
conjugal adj.婚姻上的,夫婦(間)的。 conjugal af...


There are many family factors such as family size , family average educational level , family average age , generation , family power structure , conjugal relation , family consume - invest policymaker “ s personal factor which exert influences on the recommunicating information about city - newspaper in the family 影響都市類報紙信息在家庭中再傳播的家庭因素有:家庭規模、家庭平均文化程度、家庭平均年齡、代際、家庭權力結構、夫妻關系、家庭消費?投資決策人的個人因素。

Mr mulligan accepted of the invitation and , expatiating on his design , told his hearers that he had been led into this thought by a consideration of the causes of sterility , both the inhibitory and the prohibitory , whether the inhibition in its turn were due to conjugal vexations or to a parsimony of the balance as well as whether the prohibition proceeded from defects congenital or from proclivities acquired 151 ”穆利根先生遂接受邀請,對聽眾詳述其計劃。此計劃系根據對不妊之原因進行考察而得,原因包括抑制與禁欲。抑制乃夫婦不和或互不協調所致,禁欲則由于天生缺陷或后天之習癖。

But in julies presence , as he watched her red face and her chin , almost always sprinkled with powder , her moist eyes , and the expression of her countenance , which betokened a continual readiness to pass at once from melancholy to the unnatural ecstasies of conjugal love , boris could not utter the decisive word , although in imagination he had long regarded himself as the owner of the penza and nizhnigorod estates , and had disposed of the expenditure of their several revenues 但是在朱莉出現時,他兩眼瞅著她那通紅的臉和幾乎總是撲滿香粉的下巴,她那被淚水沾濕的眼睛,她的面部表情已顯示出她隨時準備從憂郁的心情立刻轉變為婚后幸福的不自然的喜悅心情,鮑里斯目睹此情此景,就不會開口說出一句決定性的話了,雖然他早在臆想中認為自己是奔薩和下城領地的占有者并把領地的收入排好了用場。

And , as always happens in contests of cunning , the stupid person gains more than the cleverer ; ellen , fully grasping that the motive of all these words and all this manuvring was by her conversion to catholicism to get a round sum from her for the benefit of the jesuit order this was hinted at , indeed , held back the money , while insisting steadily on the various operations that would set her free from her conjugal bonds 事情總是這樣,蠢人耍狡猾瞞得過聰明人,海倫看出,這一切的言談奔波,其目的絕大部份是接納她入天教然后從她獲取對耶穌會機構的捐款她被暗示過,她則在捐款之前,堅持要為她履行脫離丈夫的宗教手續。

With the aid of the amendment of the marriage law this time and through elaboration of the concept of the conjugal property system and comparison among legislations in hong kong , macao and taiwan regions which separately stand for the continental law system and british and american law system , this paper further analyzes the perfection this amendment of the marriage law over the conjugal property syste m : for example it defines the range of the conjugal private property , further adds content of conjugal conventional property system and builds up the compensation system of conjugal impairment 本文借助這次婚姻法的修改,通過對夫妻財產制度概念的闡述以及對分別代表大陸法系和英美法系的港、澳、臺地區的立法比較,進而分析本次婚姻法修改對夫妻財產制度的完善:如規定了夫妻個人財產的范圍,進一步補充了夫妻約定財產制的內容,建立了夫妻損害賠償制度。

Meanwhile , it points out the deficiency existing in the amended marriage law : for example the anticipated interest of intellectual property , the nature of property during the period conjugality is separated and the general regulations for those which is lack of normal conjugal property relation , and presents relative legislation suggestion for further amendment or formulation of marriage and family laws in future starting from the actual conditions in our country and international homoplasy 同時研究修改后婚姻法存在的不足之處:如知識產權的期待利益問題、夫妻分居期間的財產性質、缺乏一般夫妻財產關系的通則性規定等,并從我國國情和國際趨同性出發,為今后進一步修改或者制訂婚姻家庭法提供相關的立法建議。

Elizabeth , however , had never been blind to the impropriety of her father s behaviour as a husband . she had always seen it with pain ; but respecting his abilities , and grateful for his affectionate treatment of herself , she endeavoured to forget what she could not overlook , and to banish from her thoughts that continual breach of conjugal obligation and decorum which , in exposing his wife to the contempt of her own children , was so highly reprehensible 她老是一看到就覺得痛苦可是她尊重他的才能,又感謝他對讀書的寵愛,因此,本來忽略不了的地方,她也盡量把它忽略過去,而且縱使父親大不該叫孩子們看不起媽媽,以致使他們老夫婦一天比一天不能夠互敬互愛地相處,她也盡量不去想它。

Such is the sole conjugal embrace i am ever to know - such are the endearments which are to solace my leisure hours ! and this is what i wished to have laying his hand on my shoulder : this young girl , who stands so grave and quiet at the mouth of hell , looking collectedly at the gambols of a demon “這就是我平生唯一一次嘗到的夫婦間擁抱的滋味一這就是我閑暇時所能得到的愛撫與慰藉,而這是我希望擁有的他把他的手放在我肩上。

Outside dividing 21 professions namely , of the others can have a mark , record of formal schooling of three - year institution of higher learning has branch , besides the first record of formal schooling groom also can add cent , capacity of conjugal condition , children , economy can add cent accordingly 即除21個職業外,其余的都可有分數,大專學歷有分,第一學歷之外的培訓也可加分,配偶條件、子女、經濟能力都可以相應加分。

To give up the gun . after meeting with the mayor ' s office to discuss a disarmament program , a group of women decided to deny their partners their conjugal rights and recorded a song for local radio to urge others to follow their example 她們和市長辦公室討論了一個“放下武器”的計劃,決定在他們的丈夫放下武器之前,拒絕和他們過性生活,為了號召其他女性一起行動,她們還為當地電臺錄了一首專門創作的歌曲。

She has aired in detail all those incidents of her conjugal life which are usually buried down in the deepest grave of matrimonial silence , between married couples . having chosen to exhume them , after ten years of burial , she has a weird array 她把地妻生活的一切大小情節都播散出去,這種種情節在普通夫婦之間是只有埋藏在婚姻的沉默的擴墓之量深處的,在十年的安葬之后,她再發掘了出來,好個異樣的陳列!

After meeting with the mayor ' s office to discuss a disarmament program , a group of women decided to deny their partners their conjugal rights and recorded a song for local radio to urge others to follow their example 她們和市長辦公室討論了一個“放下武器”的計劃,決定在他們的丈夫放下武器之前,拒絕和他們過性生活,為了號召其他女性一起行動,她們還為當地電臺錄了一首專門創作的歌曲。

After meeting at the mayor ' s office to discuss a disarmament * program , a group of women decided to deny their partners their conjugal * rights and recorded a song for local radio to urge others to follow their example 她們和市長辦公室討論了一個“放下武器”的計劃,決定在他們的丈夫放下武器之前,拒絕和他們過性生活,為了號召其他女性一起行動,她們還為當地電臺錄了一首專門創作的歌曲。

If you are sponsoring your dependent children who are not accompanying your spouse , common - law partner or conjugal partner , you will have to complete a separate application and pay applicable fees for each of these children 這段話意思看起來似乎是如果孩子不是和配偶一起辦的團聚,那么每個孩子的申請都應該作為一個獨立的申請,請高人幫忙分析下我的理解是否正確.謝謝

In ignorance , said he , of the significance of your promise , you took a vow of conjugal fidelity to a man who , on his side , was guilty of sacrilege in entering on the sacrament of matrimony with no faith in its religious significance 您在不明白您所作所為的意義的情況下,就對一個人作出了信守婚約的誓言,而那個人也在不相信婚約的宗教意義下完婚,則犯了褻瀆罪。

I ' m looking for my lover at all times . but looking back , i didn ' t be given anything . i believe the true love is not far from me . at the same time , i wish everyone will get true love and live to old age in conjugal bliss 我一直都在尋找屬于自己的愛情,但回首往事,我沒有得到任何東西,我相信真愛已離我不遠,同時,我也祝愿每個人都能得到真愛,并且與子偕老

Total cent is 132 minutes , and maiden person eligible mark is 65 minutes only ; married person 70 minutes , but conjugal children can add cent , and chief province does not have very rigid limitation to the applicant ' s major 總分是132分,而未婚者合格分數只是65分;已婚者70分,但配偶子女都可加分,而且魁省對申請人的專業沒有很嚴格的限制。

The conjugal affection of her father and mother constituted her ideal of love - affinity , and she looked forward some day to emerging , without shock or friction , into that same quiet sweetness of existence with a loved one 她父母的婚姻之愛是她理想的愛情境界。她希望有一天會跟一個如意郎君過同樣甜蜜的日子,用不著經歷震蕩或磨擦。

As for his wife , he bowed to her , as some husbands do to their wives , but in a way that bachelors will never comprehend , until a very extensive code is published on conjugal life 至于他的妻子,他用一些丈夫對妻子的那種儀禮向她鞠了一躬,即那種儀禮是未婚的男子們絕不能理解的,除非將來有關夫妻生活出版一部面面俱到的法典。