
conjoint adj.相連的,黏合的,結合的;連帶的,共同的。 con...


In the second chapter , the paper mainly discusses the studies about some relevant issues in conjoint analysis application in oversea , there remain many topics to be studied , here mainly including the selection of model of preference ; data collection method ; and software development process of conjoint analysis 第二章主要討論了國外對聯合分析在應用中的一些相關問題研究。聯合分析在應用中存在很多問題需要研究,在這主要涉及了偏好模型的選擇;搜集數據的方法;全輪廓方法構建刺激組;聯合分析的軟件化過程。

The training course is a core component of the exercise prescription project co - organised by the department of health and the hong kong medical association hkma . it aims to promote physical activities among members of the public through the conjoint efforts of the government , medical practitioners as well as other professional disciplines and community groups in hong kong 這個訓練課程是運動處方計劃的重要部份,該計劃由生署與香港醫學會合辦,旨在透過政府醫生從事促進運動的機構及社區團體的通力合作,向大眾推廣運動。

The main research contents include : study the modeling and measure of tendency of customer group ' s requirements . use the method of least - squares estimation in conjoint analysis to model and measure the tendency of customer group ' s requirements and transform the fuzzy requirements of customer group into numerical attribute importance and level utility . solve the problems of estimation and optimization of regression model 研究的主要內容包括:研究了客戶群體需求傾向的建模和量化過程:應用聯合分析法的最小二乘回歸模型建模和量化客戶群體需求傾向,將模糊的客戶群體需求傾向轉化為量化的屬性重要度和水平效應值,并解決了模型的有效性評估和優化問題。

The conjoint affection of ruo _ 2 power on ta foil is also discussed here , including : selection and ratio of adhesive , selection and ratio of conductive agent , temperature and time of heat - press treatment of electrode . research indicated that temperature and time of heat - press treatment of electrode have the most effect on electrochemical properties of as - produced electrode 然后討論了粉體與鉭片基體結合的影響因素,包括:粘合劑的選擇和比例、導電劑的選擇和比例、熱壓溫度和時間對電極片的電化學性能的影響,研究表明:熱壓溫度和時間對電極片電化學性能影響較大。

Firstly the thesis describes the conception and the meaning of integration of the information technology and curriculum , introduces the background , explains the target and the interests of the information technology and the biology curriculum of senior school . secondly the thesis explains the base of the theory of integration of the information technology and biology curriculum in senior high school . and then explains three kinds of integration modes ( the demo courses of teacher using the information technology in the class mainly , the net courses of student using the information technology in the class independently , the students studying and the teachers demo are conjoint ) through the cases in detail about the teaching design and the application technology that they use 論文首先對信息技術與課程整合的相關問題作了介紹,包括概念和內涵、研究背景、研究目標與研究意義;接著闡述了信息技術與高中生物課程整合研究的理論基礎;然后對三種整合模式(即以教師使用信息技術為主的演示型整合課、以學生使用信息技術為主的自主學習型的網絡課、學生自主學習與教師演示相結合的整合課)如何進行教學設計及采用的實踐技術結合案例進行了分析闡述;最后介紹了本文的創新之處。

Firstly , the background and the significance of the project are introduced and the current research of related fields is reviewed . secondly , the sales work - flow of mold & die is analyzed from the point of view of customers . considering the characteristics of different stages of the whole process , different searching or evaluating methods are adopted , i . e . , maximum requirement matching , fuzzy - ahp and hybrid conjoint analysis , thus , the decision - making support is provided for the customer 然后以模具行業為背景,從客戶的角度對客戶、模具企業共同參與的互動的模具營銷過程進行分析,并針對從招標到簽約整個過程中各個階段的不同特點,采用不同的搜索或評估方式,即分別在招標階段、詢價階段和簽約階段采用極大需求匹配法、模糊層次分析法、建立自明確模型的方法,為客戶的最終的訂單決策提供支持。

The fuzzy controllers of control level are designed for all intersections in the urban traffic network and the fuzzy controllers of coordination level are only designed for the conjoint intersection in the main trunks . the controllers of coordination level can coordinate the control signal of the conjoint intersection in the main trunks 路網中支線和主干線上的所有交叉口都設計了控制級模糊控制器,所不同的是只在主干線上兩兩相鄰的交叉口之間設計了協調級模糊控制器,這種控制器能協調主干線上兩相鄰交叉口的控制信號。

Lastly , from the view of several aspects , such as the advantage of the conjoint of network and chinese inquiry teaching , the inquiry of chinese teaching in classroom and creating chinese teaching environment , the inquiry reading practice of chinese classical masterpiece thunder storm validates that it is possible to put chinese inquiry instructional mode into practice in network environment 本論文最后結合筆者在網絡環境中開展的語文經典名篇《雷雨》的研究性閱讀教學實踐,從網絡與語文研究性教學相結合的優勢、語文課堂教學的研究化和創建虛實融合的語文課堂教學情境等方面,從教學實踐上驗證了在網絡環境下實施語文研究性教學模式的可行性。

Knowledge purification is the key procedure of knowledge acquisition , and machine learning is a effective method to gain wisdom for computers , among which artificial neural network with tutor coached can learn more accurate knowledge by faint structure , and then is a perfect way to deal with misty knowledge by describing and computing intangibly . lt is hard to describe or compute the misty relation of terms and document sort with accurate way . and we can figure out misty knowledge with misty way , so the paper introduces ann into vcm to form a conjoint method vcm ann 。其中,有導師指導的人工神經網絡能夠以模糊的結構學習較為精確的內容,是將模糊的知識進行模糊計算和模糊描述的理想方法。詞條項與文檔類別之間的模糊關系難以用精確的方法進行精確地描述與計算,模糊的知識用模糊的方法能得到較好的解決,因此本文將神經網絡應用到信息檢索模型中,將之與向量空間模型相結合,形成了一種改進的向量空間模型vcmann 。

The merits of our algorithm include following : ( l ) the camera need n ' t be calibrated , and imposes no strict limit on camera rotation angle between conjoint images . ( 2 ) the registration image accords with projection model to ensure that the registration image is real . ( 3 ) the results of experiments using image fusion based on wavelet transform show that the combined image is smooth and almost seamless 本文提出的圖像拼接算法有以下優點: ( 1 )不需要標定相機,不嚴格限制拍攝相鄰圖像時相機轉動的角度; ( 2 )依據投影模型進行圖像對齊,保證其真實性; ( 3 )基于小波變換的圖像融合實驗表明融合圖像光滑無縫。

The third chapter is the positive analysis , in order to know how important the consumer regard the attribute of the sail sedan . furthermore define the market better , the paper here make a conjoint analysis case study about the sail sedan in shanghai gm . including public sector and private sector ' s utility analysis and relative importance of attribute analysis 本文在這一部分利用聯合分析方法作了上海通用汽車賽歐轎車市場案例研究。主要做了群體及個體的效用值和屬性相對重要性分析;市場細分及市場占有率分析,和價格變動分析;最后提出應用中存在的問題和建議。

While soe information is perfect , the starting arithmetic is used with soe general signal ; by contraries , if soe information is not perfect , another conjoint starting arithmetic is used with the fault general signal in soe information and relay action signal in yx information . in addition , through discussing the action mechanism of chz , difference of permanent fault and impermanent fault is ensured in fault starting 在對現場實際接收信息進行分析的基礎上,提出三種故障診斷程序啟動方法,并根據現場實際情況應該優先選擇:當soe事故信號信息完善時,用soe事故信號作為啟動方法;若soe事故總信號信息不全,用soe事故總信號與相應遙信信息相結合的啟動方法。

This dissertation based on the commonness and individuality of the two theories , finds the optimal conjoint point of the two , and deeply analyzes all kinds of decision - making that may be encountered in the environment of supply chain , and then constructs many decision - making methods and models from different points of view to realize the whole optimal of supply chain 本文正是在這種背景下,根據兩大理論的共性與特性,找出兩者最佳的切入點,對供應鏈環境下可能面臨的各種決策進行了深入細致的分析,并從不同角度建立了各種決策方法和模型,力求實現供應鏈的整體最優。

Secondly , the thesis analyzes that in order to put chinese inquiry teaching in network environment we should view from the character of network environment and chinese and look for sustaining theory , the conjoint of the “ learning and teaching “ theory of ausubel and constructivism 然后分析了網絡環境下實施語文研究性教學的可能性應從網絡環境、語文學科的特點出發,還要尋求支撐的理論依據即奧蘇貝爾的“學與教”理論和建構主義的“學與教”理論二者的結合。

Conjoint pixels , which gray - level change greatly are considered image edge . in mathematics , this distributing change is often depicted by gradient . in this paper , we research several traditional and new type algorithms , some of which base on differential , and analyze their merit and disadvantage 在本文中,我們比較詳細的研究了幾種傳統的和新興的基于微分的邊緣檢測方法,并且客觀的分析了它們的優點和缺點列出了實驗結果。

Being a kind of comprehensively used method in marketing research , conjoint analysis is fit for predicting consumer ' s evaluation to relative importance of some product or service ( e . g product , brand , shop , e . c . ) and utilities of attribute levels 聯合分析方法作為市場營銷研究中的一種十分廣泛使用的方法,非常勝任于估測消費者對一些能夠詳細定義的某種產品或服務(如產品、品牌、商店等)的相對重要性和屬性水平的效用的評價。

In the study about talents , people concentrate on talents “ holistic exploiture and foster etc . talent scholars did n ' t conjoint talent with economic growth . the paper tries to connect talent with economic growth and study the relationship between talent and economic growth 在人才學的研究中,側重于人才成長的規律,人才資源的整體性開發、利用和現代的人力資源管理,人才學家們尚未將人才與經濟增長聯系起來。

This paper firstly introduces the conjoint analysis method , and then discusses some topics of conjoint analysis in application . at last , it shows the practical use of conjoint analysis by a case of conjoint analysis in the shanghai gm sail sedan market 本文在此介紹聯合分析方法,進而討論聯合分析方法在應用中的一些問題,最后以上海通用汽車賽歐轎車市場的聯合分析案例來說明聯合分析在實際中的應用。

Configuration space against the defects of product family model is constructed for targeting diversity of customer needs and conjoint analysis is applied to decompose the customer preference into the utility of different product attributes 該方法針對現有產品族模型用于配置設計中存在的問題,構造了支持產品配置的設計空間,并運用聯合分析方法將顧客期望分解為各產品特性的質量效用。