
conjoined adj.結合的;聯在一起的;【徽章】重疊的,相連的。


The tortoise shells , the carrier of shang people ' s tortoise faith , are the fountainhead of “ ya ( 亞 ) “ forms by conjoining the form and culture meanings of “ ya ( 亞 ) “ with the tortoise - faith of the shang dynasty 從“亞”形的外形特征與文化蘊含的角度并結合殷商的靈龜信仰來分析,商代人靈龜信仰載體的龜甲可以構成“亞”形的源頭。

Love and charity are like conjoined twins . you ask , “ how do we express love ? “ we discovered in the bible the first thing is we are to “ love the lord your god with all your heart and soul and mind . 愛和慈悲是雙胞胎,當你問如何表達愛,我們發現第一件事若我們是盡心盡性盡意愛主我們的神,若你愛? ,你會向?流露慈悲。

“ so then , “ he exclaimed , turning pale with anger , “ seven conjoined and allied armies overthrew that man . a miracle of heaven replaced me on the throne of my fathers after five - and - twenty years of exile “哦,這么說七國聯軍推翻了那個人,在我經過了二十五年的流亡以后,上天顯出奇跡,又把我送到了我父親的寶座上。

In bobby and peter farrelly ' s newest comedy , “ stuck on you , “ matt damon and greg kinnear star as the conjoined twins bob and walt 在兄弟搭檔包比和彼得.法拉利的最新喜劇片“當我們粘在一起”中,麥特戴蒙和葛瑞肯尼扮演聯體兄弟鮑勃與華特。

I think what my brother s saying is , he d prefer the term “ conjoined twins . 我想我哥哥是要說“連體嬰

I think what my brother ` s saying is , he ` d prefer the term “ conjoined twins . 我想我哥哥是要說“連體嬰

“ korean conjoined twins separated today in maine . “韓國聯體嬰兒今天在緬因州成功進行分離手術