
conjoin vt.,vi.(使)結合,(使)連接;(使)聯合。


The water quality respond relation of input - output measurements are established by systematic theory in this paper . according to the peculiarity of hydrology and the necessity of water quality inverse problem the multi - parameter inverse problem model based on ordinary differential equation is developed . the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the ordinary differential equation about two parameters or multi - parameter are to be proved . the unstability depending on errors between monitoring data and interpolation approximate data are analyzed and demonstrated . cubic spline interpolation function , the least two multiply and positive rule method are conjoined for obtained solution of multi - parameter . the results from this algorithm indicats its efficient to the multi - parameter identification in water quality modeling 本文應用系統理論,建立了水質多參數輸入輸出之間的響應關系;根據河流水文水質變化特點和參數反問題的需求,建立了水質常微分方程多參數反問題模型.根據常微分方程參數反問題的數學理論,作者給出了兩參數和多參數水質常微分方程反問題的解的存在性、唯一性的理論證明過程和結論;還針對水質現有監測資料的測驗誤差和插值近似計算誤差造成參數反問題的不穩定性,將三次樣條插值函數、超定方程最小二乘法和正則化算法有機地結合使用,成功地給出了水質參數反問題的穩定化算法.最后給出了應用計算結果

Firstly , based on the integration of cv construct and hierarchy theory , we put forward the cv construct system with two dimensions of scope and depth , which included individual items . secondly , we used the organization purchase behavior theory for reference to make research on the influencing factor of cv construct . thirdly , we conjoined the research methods of questionnaire and case study , while preceding research mainly used either interview or case study 本文的創新點主要有三個方面:一是在整合前人的客戶價值構成理論和層次理論的基礎上,提出了以廣度和深度兩個維度來劃分的客戶價值構成要素體系,并加入了個人層面的要素;二是對客戶價值構成的影響因素進行了研究,其中主要借鑒了組織購買行為理論;三是采用了問卷調查和案例研究相結合的方法,而前人的實證研究中則主要以深度訪談或個案研究為主。

In succession , it analyzes systemically external environment of xd company , master environmental actuality and current and finds opportunities with threats factors ; analyzes internal resources of it . i mainly adopt the analytic method - conjoined demonstration with criterion and whole with part , thereby i have external evaluation to its internal strengths and weaknesses . according as the consultative way by expert and swot matrix , the article differentiates the pivotal strategic factors and designs evaluation system 首先,提出本文的研究背景和所要研究的問題;然后,論述戰略和戰略管理的基本概念、內涵、特征;再系統分析xd公司外部環境,把握住環境的現狀和變化趨勢,從中發現有利的發展機遇和環境威脅因素;系統分析xd公司內部條件,主要采用實證分析和規范分析相結合,整體分析和局部分析相結合的方法,對其內部實力,優勢和劣勢做出較客觀的評價;根據專家咨詢方法進行關鍵戰略因素辨識和swot矩陣分析,構建其評價體系;最后,依據綜合分析,制定xd公司發展戰略,并提出實施戰略的相應保障措施。

We implemented an approach conjoining formula and statistic for extracting content text from chinese news web page . this method not only overcomes the shortcomings of the wrapper method but also has a high precision . besides , our method is easy to be implemented and maintained 本文根據中文網頁的特性,實現了一種利用結構樹從新聞類網頁中提取正文信息的方法,該方法在克服了包裝器方法的缺點的同時還保證了較高的準確率,具有實現簡單、易于維護的特點。

A system model of the measurement and control based on client / server model with com technology is designed with utilizing the com technology ' s merit and conjoining the characteristic of the system . the communication between the procedures is come through the com technology taken the replace of dde 利用com技術的優點,結合測量與控制系統的特點,設計了采用com技術的客戶服務器結構的測量與控制系統模型,用com技術代替dde技術實現進程之間的通訊。

Tasuoka ( 1983 , 1986 , 1990 ) developed the rule space model to investigate the cognitive processes that underlie problem solving . lt conjoins cognitive psychology model with psychometrics model . and is used to identify cognitive misconceptions and to report students ' cognitive structure 為了診斷被試的認知過程, tasuoka ( 1983 , 1986 , 1990 )提出了規則空間模型。它結合了認知心理學和心理計量學模型,可用于識別被試解題的認知錯誤和判別被試的屬性掌握模式。

By use of d4 lattice , plvq and zerotree coding ( zr ) are conjoined . zero lattice vectors are disposed by adopting improved zerotree coding . the significant map is scanned twice from down to up and from up to down respectively in order to reduce the computation complexity of zerotree coding 利用d _ 4格將plvq和性能優異的零樹( zr )編碼結合起來,采用改進的零樹編碼處理零格點,并從下向上、從上向下兩次掃描重要圖,降低了零樹算法的計算復雜度。

Kyle ' s mother is carping , anxious , lethally meddlesome ; she takes a stand to raise awareness of conjoined twins , which seems intended just to mortify the person it ' s supposed to help , a school nurse who has a dead fetus attached to her head 凱爾的母親愛挑刺,性情急燥,管起閑事來無所顧忌,她總愛向人們提起聯體人的事,她這樣做似乎就是為了使那位人們認為應受到幫助的人丟面子,也就是一位頭上帶有死胎聯體物的護士。

Be the foregone evil what it might , how could they doubt that their earthly lives and future destinies were conjoined , when they beheld at once the material union , and the spiritual idea , in whom they met , and were to dwell immortally together 不管以往的邪惡可能是什么,當他們一起看到,由他們交匯并將永在一起共存的肉體結晶和精神概念時,他們怎么可能會懷疑,他們在凡世的生命和未來的命運已經密不可分呢?

The system adopts workload method as outfitting method and conjoins the require of the system technology route and convenience for computer program , it mends the traditional workload method , and puts forward model compatible for the system 在配套方法上,系統采用工作量法,并結合系統技術路線和方便計算機編程開發等要求,對傳統的工作量法進行適當改進,提出適合于本系統要求的模型。

His mythic exploits range from the delightful to the surreal , interweaving epic sagas about giants and werewolves , conjoined korean lounge singers , a witch with a glass eye that can see the future - and of course , a big fish that refuses to be caught 兒子因為不想活于這個只懂吹噓的父親的影子下,更覺得這個小鎮沒有容納自己的空間,就這樣他一走了之去了巴黎,開拓自己的前途。

In conclusion , the paper regards that the developing direction of adopting simulation technology for the test and evaluation of guided weapons is setting up the all - around test and evaluation mode that real test conjoins hitl simulation test 得出結論認為,建立實際飛行試驗與半實物仿真試驗相結合的綜合試驗模式,是仿真技術在制導兵器試驗與鑒定中應用的發展方向。

The plans show an ambitious single structure comprising conjoined tube - shaped towers with the kind of space - age look seen in the new age album covers of 70s progressive rock bands 這些設計方案展示了一種具有挑戰性的單式結構,由聯為一體的管狀多塔組成,具有太空時代風格的外形。這種形象曾在70年代的現代搖滾樂隊中常見的具有新世紀音樂風格的專輯封面上出現過。

Erin and jake herrin play with their conjoined twins kendra , left , and maliyah herrin outside their hospital room thursday , july 13 , 2006 , at primary children ' s medical center in salt lake city 圖為赫林夫婦正在陪伴他們的雙胞胎連體女兒肯德拉左和瑪利雅右玩耍。這對連體姐妹將于8月7日在鹽湖城第一兒童醫療中心接受分體手術。

Character , and his station in the church , entitled him to use ; and , conjoined with this , the deep , almost worshipping respect , which the minister s professional and private claims alike demanded 象這樣社會地位較低和天賦能力較劣的人對高于自己者的畢恭畢敬,是年高德重之人如何使自己既有等嚴又有相應的禮敬的前所未有的絕好范例。

The tortoise shells , the carrier of shang people ' s tortoise faith , are the fountainhead of “ ya ( 亞 ) “ forms by conjoining the form and culture meanings of “ ya ( 亞 ) “ with the tortoise - faith of the shang dynasty 從“亞”形的外形特征與文化蘊含的角度并結合殷商的靈龜信仰來分析,商代人靈龜信仰載體的龜甲可以構成“亞”形的源頭。

Love and charity are like conjoined twins . you ask , “ how do we express love ? “ we discovered in the bible the first thing is we are to “ love the lord your god with all your heart and soul and mind . 愛和慈悲是雙胞胎,當你問如何表達愛,我們發現第一件事若我們是盡心盡性盡意愛主我們的神,若你愛? ,你會向?流露慈悲。

“ so then , “ he exclaimed , turning pale with anger , “ seven conjoined and allied armies overthrew that man . a miracle of heaven replaced me on the throne of my fathers after five - and - twenty years of exile “哦,這么說七國聯軍推翻了那個人,在我經過了二十五年的流亡以后,上天顯出奇跡,又把我送到了我父親的寶座上。

Dallas , texas ( reuters ) - - egyptian twins formerly conjoined at the head have been discharged from a dallas hospital and are living with their family for the first time , their doctors said monday 德克薩斯,達拉斯- - - -醫生于周一宣稱:此前頭部連體的埃及雙胞胎已經從達拉斯的一家醫院出院回家,首次與家人團聚。