
conjee n.= congee2.


Angelica first , motherwort decocted two times , each time for 20 minutes after the boil , with the filtrate , and japonica rice , eggs common conjee , hezhou those who eat eggs , 1 - 2 times a day , for 5 - 7 days , the treatment of three menstrual cycles 先將當歸、益母草煎煮2次,每次沸后20分鐘,合并濾液,與粳米、雞蛋共同煮粥,吃蛋喝粥,每天1 2次,連續5 7天,治療3個月經周期。

Sister yangyang , i am nono eighter . but i have breakfast veryday . we enjoy conjee and pickle very morning . i feel it is very good 洋洋姐,我也是nono族,但我們每天早上都會吃咸菜喝粥,感覺很好。