
conjecture n.推測,猜想;辨讀;設想。 conjecture of...


Don ' t conjecture about the outcome 不要對結果妄加猜測

An analysis of the mathematical conjecture based on perception psychology 猜想的認知心理學分析及其應用

Your theory is pure conjecture 你的理論純粹是主觀臆測

He conjectured that his new stocks would rise on the stock market 他猜他的新股票價格在股票市場上升。

A kind of inverse example for a conjecture on average distance of graphs 關于圖平均距離猜想的一類反例

Birch and swinnerton - dyer conjecture 伯奇與斯溫納頓戴爾猜想

What made you conjecture that 是什麼促使你推測出這樣的結論

It was a painful , but not an improbable , conjecture 她這種揣測固然是煞費苦心,但也未必不近情理。

I cannot conjecture what his plans are 我拿不準他的計劃是什么。

This conjecture has not been proved nor refused yet 這個猜想目前既沒有被證明,也沒有被否定。

A note on two conjectures of prime of f . russo 的兩個素數猜想的注記

A note on a conjecture made by erd s and rosenfeld 的一個猜想的注記

He didn ' t know the fact ; what he said was pure conjecture 他并不知道實情,他說的純屬猜測。

Some notes on kelly ' s problem and wolliam kruskal conjecture 關于函數列一致收斂性的一點注記

And you bring me rumors and conjecture 你給我帶來的只是些謠言和猜想

And who or what she was it was difficult to conjecture 她究竟是誰,干什么的,卻很難想象。

A conjecture on veronese generating submanifolds 生成子流形的一個猜想

Research in the nature of conjecture property in network games 網絡游戲虛擬財產屬性探討

A note concerning a conjecture on supereulerian graphs 圖的一個猜想的注記