
conjectural adj.推測的,猜想的。adv.-ly


Hwang , hong ( 1984 ) “ intra - industry trade and oligopoly : a conjectural variations approach “ , canadian journal of economics , vol . 17 , no . 1 , pp . 126 - 137 黃鴻( 1983 )寡?市場中最適與最大稅收關稅之比較, 《中國經濟學會年會論文集》 ,頁99 - 113 。

As regarded its origin , there were various explanations , all of which must necessarily have been conjectural 至于其來源,則有著種種解釋,當然都是些臆測。

Dynamic learning of generation companies and conjectural equilibrium in electricity spot market 市場環境下發電公司的動態學習與市場猜測均衡

1 of , relating to , or characterized by conjecture ; conjectural 1 )推測的、與推測相關的或者具有推測特點的;好推測的。

Theories about the origin of the universe are highly conjectural 有關宇宙起源的理論是高度猜測的。