
coniferous adj.結毬果的,松柏科的。


Soil ph value ranged from 6 . 0 to 7 . 2 , the ph value had no markedly difference among the three horizons in each plot , and so did that among seven types of forest . the organic matter content in horizon a of plot g2 ( coniferous forest ) was the highest ( 193 . 03a kg - 1 ) in seven plots and the lowest one was in plot g3 另外,在3個固定樣地內( g _ 1 、 g _ 2 、 g _ 3 ) ,通過埋袋試驗,研究了白樺枝條、白樺凋落葉、岷江冷杉凋落葉等3類典型凋落物在3個不同埋藏深度土壤中的分解。

The soil nutrient contents of total nitrogen , total phosphor us and total potassium were studied at the same time . and then , the probable correlations between the quantities of microorganisms and soil nutrient content were analyzed . the results suggested that soil water content decreased with the depth increasing , this value of soil water was the highest in plot g1 ( coniferous forest ) , because of the highest altitude 同一林型下不同土壤深度,養分全量差異顯著,且隨深度增加而顯著減小,不同林型植被之間,全磷含量差異顯著,全鉀含量在高山柳灌叢( l _ 3 )與洗澡塘溝羊茅群落( l _ 4 )之間差異顯著,說明植被類型的不同,對土壤養分全量也有一定的影響。

The vegetation was chiefly dominated by coniferous - brodleaved mixed forests , with many evergreen broadleaved species in their young growth stage , it can be suggested that the vegetations in the meizilake area were in a successional stage from coniferous - broadleaved mixed forests to evergreen broadleaved forests . however , the formation of the climax community evergreen broadleaved forests needs a long time 可以看出,梅子湖森林植被群落正處于由針闊葉混交林常綠闊葉林的演替階段,群落中的思茅松林正在向被常綠闊葉林替代的方向發展,但要演替為頂級群落,還需要很長的時間。

Abies yuanbaoshanensis is a guangxi endemic and endangered evergreen coniferous arbor , listed in the red data book of plant in p . r . c , being one of the stated - proteced first - class rare and endangered plants . it is distributed only in yuanbaoshan mountain in northern guangxi 元寶山冷杉是松科冷杉屬的常綠針葉喬木,是20世紀70年代發現的新種,它是世界上僅產于廣西融水縣北部元寶山的殘遺瀕危種,已被列為一級保護的瀕危植物。

Today mixed coniferous forests occupy a wide but well - defined range of climates with mean annual temperatures from three to 13 degrees celsius ( 37 to 55 degrees fahrenheit ) , suggesting that the average yearly temperature for northern alaska during the cretaceous was similar 時至今日,針葉混合林分布廣泛,不過其氣候型態倒是相當明確,年平均氣溫介于3 ~ 13 ;想必在白堊紀時,阿拉斯加北部的年平均氣溫與此相近。

Forest is one of the most important parts on our planet , and the subalpine coniferous forests in western sichuan are a principal part of natural protection projection in southwestern china and important ecological screen to the upper reaches of the yangtze river 川西亞高山林區是長江上游重要的水源涵養和水土保持區,被譽為四川盆地和長江干流重要的“生態屏障”和中國半壁江山的“水塔” 。

Two species of these finches , named for the way the upper and lower parts of their bills cross , rather than meet in the middle , reside in the evergreen forests of north american and feed on the seeds held within the cones of coniferous trees 以他們上部和較低部分的嘴的交叉命名,而不是中間部分相遇的部分命名,這兩種雀類居住在北美四季常青的森林里并且以包含在錐狀的松果樹球內的種子為食。

Forests sometimes contain many tree species within a small area ( as in tropical rain and temperate deciduous forests ) , or relatively few species over large areas ( e . g . , taiga and arid montane coniferous forests ) 作為普遍規則,受被子植物支配的森林(闊葉林)比那些受裸子植物支配的森林(松樹或針葉林)物種豐富,雖然有例外存在(例如,種類匱乏的白楊和樺樹生長在北緯度地區) 。

The smallest one is alpine brush , it covers 0 . 87 % , 2 . 74km2 from the result we can find that landscape vegetation types are different . coniferous forest , alpine brush , steppe and desert are resource - environmental type . meadow is survival type 成因上,針葉林、高山灌叢、高山草原、山地草原、高山草甸、荒漠為環境資源型,栽培植被為引入型,無植被地段為干擾型。

The essential rule of artificial restoration is matching tree by improving soil or matching site by improving tree species , and the livability of the regenerated coniferous forest reflected the affection of the topography on the artificial reforestation 例如地形對林火跡地(重度火燒區和極重度火燒區)針葉林恢復的影響,它實質是地形對人工更新存活率的影響。

The genetic variation and spatial distribution of the population of ectomycorrhizal fungi chroogomphus rutilus , suillus granulatus , and tricholoma terreum were studied using rapd and rams in coniferous forest in donglingshan of beijing 本實驗采用rapd和rams技術分別對北京市東靈山地區針葉林中的三種優勢外生菌根真菌種群的遺傳多樣性及基因型結構進行研究。

According to the analytic results in this dissertation , we can find that slope was the pivotal factor for the conversion of the burned blank into coniferous forest , and the partial correlation coefficients is - 0 . 6835 地形因子的分析說明在火燒跡地更新種植針葉林主要是受坡度的影響,偏相關系數為- 0 . 6835 。

For example , on the burned blank , 49 . 4 % of the area was converted to coniferous forest in a comparatively short time , which was resulted from the intensive human reforestation 森林景觀空間格局及其變化機制是多種因子綜合作用的結果,火燒強度、人為干擾等因素的影響也非常重要。

Tropical and subtropical forests include tropical rainforests , tropical and subtropical moist forests , tropical and subtropical dry forests , and tropical and subtropical coniferous forests 熱帶和亞熱帶林包括熱帶雨林,熱帶和亞熱帶潮濕林,熱帶和亞熱帶干燥林,熱帶和亞熱帶松樹林。

Temperate zones support both broadleaf deciduous forests ( e . g . , temperate deciduous forest ) and evergreen coniferous forests ( e . g . , temperate coniferous forests and temperate rainforests ) 溫帶地區既適合闊葉落葉林(例如溫帶落葉林)又適合常綠松樹林(例如溫帶松樹林和溫帶雨林) 。

The result indicated that , the panda summer stresses the choice coniferous forest , the bamboo grove , the winter likes in the brush , the foliage forest moving 結果表明,大熊貓夏季偏重選擇針葉林、竹林,冬季喜歡在灌叢、闊葉林中活動。

Regulations governing the use of timber in structure . visual classification for the use of the main coniferous and deciduous wood types in structures 結構用木材使用的控制規則.結構用主要松柏類和落葉類木材使用的目視分類

Temporal and spatial distribution of photosynthetically active radiation flux of coniferous and broadleaved mixed forests at the dinghushan mountain , low subtropical china 鼎湖山針闊混交林光合有效輻射的時空格局

Giant pandas live in broadleaf and coniferous forests with a dense understory of bamboo , at elevations between 5 , 000 and 10 , 000 feet 大熊貓生活在長有茂密箭竹的闊葉與針葉混交林里,海拔在5 , 000和10 , 000英尺之間。