
conifer n.【植物;植物學】針葉樹。


Wan you conifer hotel is the four - star deluxe business hotel opened in 1998 . which has been assued the four - star foreign tourism hotel by the national tourism administration in 2004 . in 2002 , awarded “ the best four - star hotel “ by the tourism administation of chongqing and the special hotel of business service in 2005 萬友康年大酒店將以其國際化的管理,高素質的員工高水準的服務為您的商務旅游度假休閑提供理想的居停,增添無盡的快樂。

But for conifer community , since needle leaves decomposed very slowly , soil nutrient contents were rather low and even lower than those of former stages . on the contrary , natural communities consisted of broad - leaved species , including shrub community , commonly possessed high soil nutrient contents 但針葉林由于針葉較難分解,土壤綜合肥力很低,甚至低于前期階段;而由闊葉物種(包括灌木群落)組成的群落,土壤肥力普遍較高。

As a general rule , forests dominated by angiosperms ( broadleaf forests ) are more species - rich than those dominated by gymnosperms ( conifer or needleleaf forests ) , although exceptions exist ( for example , species - poor aspen and birch stands in northern latitudes ) 作為普遍規則,受被子植物支配的森林(闊葉林)比那些受裸子植物支配的森林(松樹或針葉林)物種豐富,雖然有例外存在(例如,種類匱乏的白楊和樺樹生長在北緯度地區) 。

For a moment - only for a moment - when they were in the turning of the drive , between the tall rhododendrons and conifers , before the lodge became visible , he inclined his face towards her as if - but , no : he thought better of it , and let her go 有一會兒僅僅有一會兒當他們走到大車道轉彎的地方,在高大的杜鵑樹和針葉樹中間,在門房看不見的地方,他曾向她把臉伸過去,仿佛要不過他沒有把臉伸過去:他仔細想了想,就放苔絲走了。

Within a short while , snowflakes began falling outside the bus window . the snow got thicker and thicker on the ground . when the bus drove by a huge lake in the suburbs , we saw many pointed rooftops and white conifers along the road 才一下子,窗外就開始飄雪,那雪越飄越厚,后來,車子開往市郊某個大湖,沿途有許多覆蓋著白雪的尖頂小屋與雪白的針葉樹,一幕接著一幕,彷若童話書上的圣誕雪景,每個人都看得心滿意足。

Iii ) for artificial communities including herbaceous community , pure conifer and needle broad - leaved mixed forest , the poor niche configuration and serious niche overlap of component species made the composition structure of community be in an unstable state 3 )人工構建的群落(包括草本群落、針葉純林和針闊混交林)其組成物種生態位配置差,生態位重疊大,造成群落組成結構不穩定。

Climatological data from fossil pollen , leaves and wood indicate that the cretaceous forests of northern alaska consisted of a mixed canopy that included deciduous conifers with an understory of flowering plants , ferns and cycads 由花粉、葉子和木材化石?集到的氣候資料顯示,阿拉斯加北部的白堊紀森林有混合型林冠,包括了落葉針葉林以及林下的開花植物、蕨類和蘇鐵。

As treeless as portugal we ll be soon , says john wyse , or heligoland with its one tree if something is not done to reafforest the land . larches , firs , all the trees of the conifer family are going fast “咱們這兒很快就會像葡萄牙那樣,連棵樹都沒有啦, ”約翰懷思說, “或者像黑爾戈蘭386那樣,只剩下一棵樹,除非采取措施來重新植樹造林。

On the shores of lake washington , this spectacular , 200 - acre living museum ' s collections of oaks , conifers , camellias , japanese maples , and hollies rank as one of the nation ' s largest 在華盛頓湖邊有一個壯觀的兩百英畝的活植物博物館,搜集了橡樹、松柏科植物、茶花、日本楓樹、和冬青樹等,列為美國最大的植物園之一。

The results indicated that chinese crocodilian lizards distributed in streams of mountain , and mainly lived in four types of vegetation : broadleaf forest , conifer and broadleaf mix - forest , shrubbery and bamboo forest 鱷蜥主要棲息于闊葉林、針闊混交林、灌木林蔭、竹林4種植被類型的山沖溪溝之中。

What is more , some of the pollen grains and spores i found in the clays and lignites came from conifers and tree ferns that could have grown only at the high altitudes of a mountain range 而且我在黏土及褐煤中發現的花粉粒與孢子,屬于針葉樹及樹蕨,它們只生長在高海拔的山區。

The entire structure is nestled within a beautifully sculpted landscape comprising conifers , lush greens , red hydrangeas and two 6 - meter tall phoenix palms 整體鑲嵌在美麗絕倫的畫景中,這里有蒼翠的針葉樹,有綠油油的草地,有火紅的八仙花,還有高達6米的加拿列海棗。

The native english oak is strangely not [ color = red ] [ b ] susceptible [ / b ] [ / color ] to the disease , although other popular trees like beeches , conifers , spruces and firs are 奇怪的是當地英國橡樹不易感染那種病,盡管其他樹如山毛櫸,針葉樹和冷杉則相反。

They differ from conifers and other gymnosperms by having the ovule enclosed within an ovary , which after fertilization develops into a fruit 被子植物不同于針葉植物和其他的裸子植物,被子植物的胚珠由子房所包被,受精后直接發育為果實。

Clearing the massive conifer forests of minnesota continued into the first decades of the 20th century , when production peaked in 1905 明尼蘇達州大片針葉樹森林的采伐一直持續到20世紀的最初數十年,木材產量在1905年時達到最高峰。

Resin one of a group of substances occurring in many trees and shrubs , including conifers and certain families of flowering plants 樹脂:多種喬木和灌木產生的一種物質,包括松柏科的植物和一些顯花植物。

In the process of secondary succession from conifer - broadleaf forest to broadleaf forest , species richness fluctuated remarkably 在針闊混交林向闊葉林演替過程中,物種豐富度指數表現為較大的波動性。

Subalpine is the coumtry of cold - warm conifer forest which bistributing the midst of the elevation between 2200m to 4200m 其中的微生物及與微生物和土壤肥力密切相關的土壤酶活性必然有其獨特性。

There are four widely different living groups : the cycads , ginkgo , conifers , gnetophytes , and several fossil groups 分為四個不同的類群:蘇鐵類、銀杏類、松柏類、買麻藤類植物以及一些化石類群。