
conidium n.(pl. -nidia ) 【植物;植物學】分生孢子...


Observation on the conidia of 6 isolates belonging to four genera by sem indicated that there were remarkable difference between the genera . it was confirmed that the numbers of appendages and cells of conidia were steady characters for identification in the genera and species level . and the appendage knobbed on the top was also a very important character for the species identification 對以上四屬11個種單孢分離菌株在pda培養基上培養性狀的觀察表明,菌落形態和顏色、菌落背面顏色和輪紋、產孢時間和產孢類型在屬間具有重要的鑒別意義,在種內雖然不穩定,但不同種間確實存在差異,可以作為種間劃分的參考依據。

The character of the colonies is important for special species . the results show that the characters of conidia shape and color are very important , the steady number of distosepta and the size of conidia are important too . otherwise , the special hosts corresponding to the species help us identify these species 以分生抱子的形態特征為主,菌落特證僅對特殊的種有參考價值:以分生袍于的假隔膜數的差異分成大的類群,分生泡于的顏色、形狀是主要的分類依據:形狀相似時,長、寬作為區分的參考;此外,有些種具穩定的寄主,寄主也可作為鑒定的重要參考依據。

Whether the conidia has a single appendage branched later was another key character in this genus . the species of pestalotiopsis can be divided into two groups by each of the above two characters . the results of the presented work enriched the resource of pestalotiopsis and allied gnera in china and provided the fundamental information for the systematic taxonomy in the future 本研究結果豐富了我國擬盤多毛孢屬的種群和資源,為擬盤多毛孢屬的分種性狀提供了依據,對進一步開展該屬及相關屬的資源及系統分類學研究提供了有價值的資料。

Finally , the level identification , classification of these nine endophytic fungi are studied through literature retrieving and comparison with related genus or type species , during which the characteristics of conidia and the result of physiological experiment are regarded as key words and as assist respectively . the ultimate result of these strains “ classification are that one new species coniothyrium macrospora y . xiang et j . x . cui sp . nov . ( 1026 ) ; five new recorded - genus in china : papularia sphaerosperma ( pers . ex fr . ) 以形態學性狀中的分生孢子特征為主題,以生理實驗結果為輔助,檢索文獻,與相關種和模式種進行對照比較,對這些內生真菌進行水平的菌種鑒定分類,其中菌株1026為一新種:大孢盾殼霉( coniothyriummacrosporay . xiangetj . x . cuisp . nov . ) , 5株為中國新記錄屬種: 1005球乳突孢[ papulariasphaerosperma ( pers . exfr . ) vonh (

Results : there exiss some differences among several common monascus fungi in supermicro - morphologic characters including hypha , conidium , cleistothecium , ascospores and so on , which serve as deposing the evidences to classify and identify monascus fungi 結果:不同種紅? ?之間在菌絲、分生孢子、閉囊殼和子囊孢子等超顯微特徵方面存在一定的差異,據此可對紅? ?進行區分和鑒別。

Nov . isolated from a 4 - year old leaf of podocarpus macrophyllus in kunming botanic garden . it produced long conidia [ 33 . 8 - 46 . 8 x 7 . 5 - 10 um ( mean 41 x 8 . 6 um ) ] with a branched basal appendage and usually 3 spatulate apical appendages 共鑒定內生擬盤多毛孢25種,其中有3個新種, 1個國內新紀錄, 4個新組合, 15個種是首次報道為內生擬盤多毛孢。

The optimum mycelial age for preparation of protoplast was at 24h time - point after inoculation and culture of conidia 制備該菌原生質體的最佳菌齡為從孢子接種起培養24h 。

Effect of inertia carrier culture on sporulation yields and conidia viability of paecilomyces fumosoroseus 惰性載體對玫煙色擬青霉產孢和孢子活力的影響

Fig . 3 . effect of temperature on the conidium germination of powdery mildew fungi in cucurbits 圖3 .溫度對于瓜類白粉病菌孢子發芽的影響。

Fig . 1 . fibrosin bodies in mature conidia of the melon powdery mildew fungus 圖1 .存在甜瓜白粉病菌孢子內的皿狀物。

Fig . 2 . germ tubes of conidia of the gerbera powdery mildew fungus 圖2 .非洲菊白粉病菌孢子的發芽管。