
conidiophore n.【植物;植物學】分生孢子柄[梗]。


The conidia of bipolaris species germinate principally from one or both polar cells with the basal germ tube originating close to the hilum and growing semiaxially and not germinate from the middle cells . the modes of the growth of the conidia on the conidiophores between species of bipolaris are similar and the minute differences between them are according to the different shape of the con idia 門)分生泡子萌發:本屬分生抱子從一端或兩端同時萌發一般沿著與分生抱子長軸相平行的方向,偶爾也與分生抱子長軸相垂直的方向,但不從中間細胞萌發。

We selected the most adaptive culture medium , temperature and light to produce abundant and natural conidia . we also studied the formation of distosepta . conidia germination , the characters of the formation of conidia on the conidiophores 分離鑒定的同時,注意對適宜培養基、培養條件,分生孢子的分隔、萌發、產孢方式等特性進行觀察、探索和總結,最終總結出相對簡便易行的屬下種級分類標準。

The taxonomic criteria of bipolaris species mainly base on the shape of conidia . and the conidiophores between the species are rarely different 門)種級分類標準:與前人研究相比,總結出較簡便易行的分類標準。

It ' s the conidiophore of a fungus that is the most common contaminant in all kinds of cytologic specimens , including pap smears 它是真菌的分生孢子,是細胞學標本包括pap涂片中最常見的污染物。

Conidia are cut off externally in chains at the apex of a specialized hypha , the conidiophore 分生孢子是由分生孢子囊梗的頂端或側面產生的一種不動孢子,借氣流或動物傳播的。