
conicoid n.【數學】二次曲面,(特指)雙曲面。


As it can be expressed easily by argument equations , we use the conicoid as the criteria of points “ classification . based on the point ' s normal and the adjacent field , corresponding to the conicoid equation such as plane , ball and cylinder , we search the points that fit the equation along the adjacent field . using this method , we realized the automatic classification of unorganized points 本文采用了可以比較方便地用參數方程表示的二次曲面作為數據點的分類標準,根據點的法向量以及其鄰域結點的各種屬性,對應于平面、球面、柱面等二次曲面,依據曲面方程的特點,從起始點開始沿鄰域深度優先遞歸尋找符合方程的數據點,實現了散亂數據點的自動分類。

The interface and concrete operations of the prototype system and results of machining features recognition are illustrated by examples , in which there is a typical shaft , a 2 . 5d part without conicoid and a 2 . 5d part with conicoid 分別以一個典型的軸類零件,一個不具有二次曲面的2 . 5維零件,以及一個具有二次曲面的2 . 5維零件為例,介紹了原型系統的界面和加工特征識別的具體過程及識別的最終結果。

The problems include catmull - clark subdivision surfaces ca n ' t precisely represent standard conicoid except paraboloid , and it ca n ' t modify the shape of limited surfaces when the original control mesh be given 如: catmull - clark細分曲面無法精確表示除拋物面外的常規二次曲面;在給定初始控制網格的情況下,難以調整所生成曲面的形狀等。

The contents in this course include space right - angle coordinate system , vector ; hood face and its equation , curve and its equation , plane and its equation , beejine and its equation , conicoid 課件的教學內容包括空間直角坐標系、向量、曲面及其方程、空間曲線及其方程、平面及其方程、空間直線及其方程、二次曲面。

The method , firstly , grids the precipitation amount by conicoid , then judges and traces isoline and brings forward a way of how to avoid connection uncertainty of isoline 該方法首先用二次曲面對不規則站點雨量進行格網化,然后在格網上對等雨量點進行判斷、追蹤以及在追蹤過程中如何消除追蹤的二義性。