
congruous adj.1.一致的,適合[協調]的,符合的 (with ...


Cbrc still needs enhancement in the above - mentioned aspects according the author of this paper . according to economic law , we should focus on the validity to control the economic power of cbrc : effective supervision is the key element in exerting economic power of cbrc under the condition of being congruous with principles of administrative law 經濟法學認為,控制銀監會的經濟權力要從權力的有效性判斷著手:在符合行政法合法合理原則的前提下,有效的監管是權力控制的關鍵,但實證和規范分析的結論認為,由于政府失靈的存在極大的影響了金融監管權的有效性。

Considering the three parameters weibull distribution which is more congruous to fact than the two parameters weibull distribution in dealing with the electric intension data , the method of maximum likelihood estimation and the method of the two binomial regression is applied in estimating the three parameters weibull distribution in this paper 鑒于三參數weibull分布在處理電氣強度數據時比二參數更符合實際,本文介紹利用二項式回歸法和極大似然法對三參數weibull分布參數進行點估計的方法。

It has automatic record of learning course , web - based exercise system , message system between teachers and administrators and students , display of learning result . this makes blog more congruous with characteristic of mde and more effective to solve the problems mentioned above 除了具備網絡日記的基本功能之外, wll還具有學習歷程的自動跟蹤、網絡作業模塊、管理員與師生間的消息系統、學習成績顯示等功能,以使blog的理念和技術更加符合遠程教育的特性,有效的解決上述問題。

As it is congruous with the constitution of administrative subject , the china banking regulatory commission ( cbrc ) belongs to administrative subjects in the scope of administrative law . it will exert administrative authorities empowered by law . in the field of economic law , cbrc is the mechanism of governmental supervision and it exerts economic power according to governmental policies 銀監會符合行政主體的構成要件,因而屬于行政法學上行政主體的一種,其行使法律所賦予的行政權力;在經濟法學的視野里,銀監會是政府干預主體,其行使政府經濟權力。

Based on the analysis , it is concluded that the congruous contract between the managers and the manipulative stockholders , shielding of the cpas , the banks and the local government , the passive supervision of the government and the defective corporate governing framework set off accounting fraud of listed companies . at last , it introduces six countermeasures which concern law , regulation , institution building and political institution reform 本文得出結論:大股東與經營者的和謀、注冊會計師(會計師事務所) 、銀行和地方政府對上市公司舞弊者舞弊行為的包庇、政府監管部門的消極監管和上市公司治理結構的缺陷是引發上市公司會計舞弊問題的根本原因,并據此從法律、法規、制度建設、政治體制改革等六個方面提出了治理上市公司會計舞弊的相關建議。

We will show that not any mean of the revenue rates of the industrial indexes is significantly beyond value zero at confident level 0 . 90 . moreover the mean of the revenue rate of sse 30 index is negative ( though not significant ) . and the fact of “ the heritage of variance “ appears congruous to the feature of industries represented by the corresponding indexes 第二章,通過分析上海股市各分類指數的收益率序列的特征,得出結論如下:各序列都非正態,有自相關性和異方差存在,相對適宜用garch ( 1 , 1 )來擬合;除了上證商業( 1b0002 ) ,各分類指數收益率的均值在85的置信度下都不顯著地異于0 ,而上證30 ( 1b0007 )的收益率竟小于0 ;在各分類指數中, ”波動繼承性”的結果和各分類指數對應行業的特征是相關的。

The architecture of management system of user network business which is realized finally is simple , the structure is legible and the efficiency is high . it is very congruous to be used by such units as universities and enterprises , because of the characteristics of good portability , extendibility , maintainability , easy - to - use , security 基于以上關鍵技術,論文最終實現的“用戶網絡業務管理系統” ,架構簡潔合理、結構清晰、性能高效,具有較好的可移植性、可擴展性、可維護性、易用性、安全性等特點,非常適合應用于院校、企業等單位的園區網。

Of some one sole unique advertisement to cause passers to stop in wonder , a poster novelty , with all extraneous accretions excluded , reduced to its simplest and most efficient terms not exceeding the span of casual vision and congruous with the velocity of modern life 獨一無二無與倫比的廣告,會使行人驚異地停下腳步。一張新穎的招貼,排除了一切不必要的附加物,簡約到最單純最富于效果的詞句,一目了然,適合于現代生活的速度。

The open - plan design also reflects the bank s congruous and new proactive management concepts . icbc ( asia ) actively looks for further expansion by way of mergers and acquisitions or other collaborative efforts 中國工商銀行(亞洲)正積極透過各種合作方式如收購合并,致力壯大銀行的規模,故在此階段注入新管理概念尤其重要。

This paper discusses whether the definitions of heavy - tailed distributions produced by slow - varying function and the definitions of heavy - tailed distributions produced by exponential echelon matrix are congruous 摘要討論了由慢變化函數形式給出的重尾分布定義,與由指數階矩形式給出的重尾分布定義是否一致。

The authors have proved that the two types of definitions are congruous by using limit theory , while discussing the correlation among the subclasses of heavy - tailed distributions 利用分析中的極限理論等方法,證明了重尾分布的這兩種定義是一致的,并給出了重尾分布子族間的相互關系。

Concept of subsidy volunteer is congruous with the concept of volunteer with regard to the spirit of volunteering service 津貼志愿者概念與志愿者概念在志愿服務精神上是一致的。

The open - plan design also reflects the bank s congruous and new proactive management concepts 開放式設計亦反映銀行融和開明的新管理概念。

His actions are congruous with his principles 他的行動和他的主義侶一致。