
congruity n.1.適合,一致,調和。2.【數學】全等。短語和例子a...


When we give up all claim to a knowledge of the final end , we shall clearly perceive that just as we cannot invent any flower or seed more truly appropriate to a plant than those it produces , so we cannot imagine any two persons , with all their past in such complete congruity down to the smallest details , with the part they were destined to play 放棄對最終目的的探求,我們便會清楚地看到,一種植物有一種植物的花朵和種子,我們無法去空想更適合于這種植物的其他花朵和種子。同樣,我們也無法想象其他兩個有各自經歷的人能比拿破侖和亞歷山大更合適地更細致地和更徹底地完成他們天賦的使命。

The findings of this thesis reflect that the object - oriented method is an effective means used in developing finite element analysis software , compared with traditional method it possesses the advantages of being more structured , easy to be compiled , maintained and extended and the program code can be much more reused . the oop method not only improve the functions of finite element software but also realize the congruity between the computing model and physical model in the real world , and promote the integrity technique of cad / cae 本文結果表明,面向對象方法是一種強有力的工具,采用面向對象方法開發大型有限元分析軟件是一種非常有效的方法,與傳統的有限元程序相比,面向對象有限元程序更加結構化、更易于編寫、更易于維護和擴充,程序代碼的可重用成分更大,它不僅能提高有限元軟件的功能,而且能實現數據模型與計算機模型以及現實世界物理模型之間的一致性,方便太原理工大學碩士學位論文cad / cae系統的集成。

Based on the fruits of social psychology , this study introduces a new moderate variable “ self - congruity “ to interpret adolescents ' conformity , non - conformity and counter - conformity consumption behavior 本文以我國城市青少年為研究對象,在社會心理學研究成果的基礎上引入了一個新的干擾變量自我一致性,用于解釋廣泛存在于青少年消費者中的從眾、不從眾和反從眾行為。

The results show that adolescents will pursue non - conformity or counter - conformity when the self - congruity is high , while they will pursue non - conformity or conformity when the self - congruity is low 結果表明,當自我一致性高時,青少年表現出不從眾或反從眾消費行為;當自我一致性低時,青少年呈現出不從眾或從眾消費行為。

We refute the method that classifying indexes of quantity and quality . the number of indexes is about 20 and the qualities of indexes will be met by precision , congruity and so on 指出企業業績評價指標的數量應為20個左右、評價指標的質量應滿足準確性等9項要求、評價指標的測試包括特性測試、平衡測試和相互關系測試。

Visitors marveled at the congruity between the paintings and their frames , and the perfect composition of patterns and colors 框與畫合而為一,色彩與圖案絕妙的組合贏得觀賞者驚喜的目光和贊賞。

On the congruity between e - administration promotion and service - government construction 關于建設服務型政府的幾點思考

It was a spot which returned upon the memory of those who loved it with an aspect of peculiar and kindly congruity . 原來它這個地方,能夠讓愛它的人回憶起來覺得有一種不同尋常、與人無忤的溫藹面目。

It was spot which returned upon the memory of those who loved it with an aspect of peculiar and kindly congruity . 原來它這個地方,能夠讓愛它的人回憶起來覺得有一種不同尋常、與人無忤的溫藹面目。