
congruent adj.1.適合的,相合的,一致的。2.【數學】全等的,...

congruent points

The precipitation sequence in instable region is as follows : supersaturated solid solution congruent ordering spinodal decomposition stoicheometric phase it is found for the first time that with the increase of compositions , congruent ordering is enhanced , incubation period is shortened , spinodal decomposition is decreased , and volume fraction of ordered phase is increased 失穩區合金沉淀序列為:過飽和固溶體( ? )非化學計量比有序相( ? )化學計量比相等成分有序化也需要孕育期,首次發現隨初始濃度的增加,孕育期縮短,等成分有序化速度加快,而失穩分解的速度相對減慢,有序相體積分數增加。

However , the whole work of evaluation still needs perfection , mainly in the following aspects : the ratio between students and teachers should be more congruent with the actuality of investigative universities ; “ the four expenditures “ should be adjusted according to the reform of accounting system ; “ practice and training “ and “ practical teaching contents and system “ should be merged together ; flexibility should be improved in implementing “ bilingual teaching “ ; evaluation of “ specialty projects “ should be on the emphases and nurture of them 但整個評估工作仍有需要進一步完善的地方,主要有以下幾個方面:生師比測算要更符合研究型大學的實際; “四項經費”應隨會計制度改革調整; “實習和實訓”與“實踐教學內容與體系”最好合并;實施“雙語教學”的要求宜增加彈性; “特色項目”評估目前應放在重視和培育上。

The crystals of znse monocrystal grown via physical vapor transport ( pvt ) results higher cost and complicated procedures under congruent sublimation condition . therefore , a new chemical vapor transport ( cvt ) method was designed to grow znse crystals in our investigations . the compound ( nh4 ) 3zncl5 was employed as a transport agent in cvt method for the first time 受znse過窄的一致升華范圍限制,物理氣相輸運( pvt , physicalvaportransport )技術生長znse單晶需要復雜的程序,因此我們選擇化學氣相輸運( cvt , chemicalvaportransport )技術作為生長znse單晶的主要技術,并作了一定的改進。

It is found for the first time that for alloys in instable region , with enhancement of atomic interaction energy , pregnant period of “ phase is shortened , degree of ordering and composition order parameter of ordered phase is increased , process of clustering in ordered phase accelerated , i . e . process of congruent ordering is quickened and velocity of spinodal decomposition is expedited 首次發現,隨著原子間相互作用勢的增加,失穩區合金中有序相的孕育期縮短,有序度有所增加,有序相內成分序參數提高、原子簇聚過程提前,即加快了等成分有序化的進程和失穩分解的速度。

Associative priming and text priming can affect lexical access independently . when the association between the prime and the target is strong , the context effect comes from associative priming mostly and context process on the postlexical access , while the association is weak , if the sentence representation is congruent with the target , the context effect comes from associative priming mostly and context process on the postlexical access ; but if the sentence representation is incongruent with the target , the context effect comes from text priming mainly and context process on the prelexical access 當啟動詞與目標詞間有較強的語義聯結時,語境效應主要來源于詞與詞之間的聯結啟動,語境作用于后詞匯通達階段,而當啟動詞與目標詞間僅有較弱的語義聯結時,若句子表征與目標詞的語義關系一致,則語境效應主要來源于詞與詞之間的聯結啟動,語境作用于后詞匯通達階段;而若句子表征與目標詞的語義關系不一致,則語境效應主要來源于主題水平的語篇啟動,語境影響前詞匯通達階段。

The researching results show that a chemical transport agent introduced into our system can avoid the congruent sublimation condition and help to grow znse crystal under relatively low temperature . this route will reduce the production cost of znse single crystals 兩種晶體西北工業大學博士學位論文生長實驗證明,輸運劑的引入可以降低znse晶體的氣相生長溫度,避免了znse的氣一固一致升華范圍過窄對znse單晶生長的限制,從而可以簡化工藝,降低成本。

Only an early version of the first tape has been produced so far , and though it is no longer congruent with the textbook material , if one or two items containing novel material are ignored , most of it can be used after unit 1 , and all of it towards the end of unit 2 目前只有第一盤磁帶被初步翻錄出來,雖然它跟教材的內容不是很搭配,但如果忽略其中一到兩個含有新內容的部分,它還是大致可以應用于單元一結束至單元二末尾這段時間。

Such , because do not attend a meeting on time , can avoid , introductory irrelevant , material is discursive , courteous not the obstacle of to apply for a job that reason of not congruent technology creates verbal and week , undeserved , sloppily dressed , procedures 這樣,可以避免由于不按時到會、介紹不著邊際、材料不得要領、禮貌不周、言語不當、衣冠不整、手續不全等技術原因造成的求職障礙。

Finding economical packing of circles in the euclidean plane is a widely investigated area of the theory of packing and covering . the simplest problem of this kind is to find the best arrangement of congruent discs in the plane 關于圓盤的填充問題的一個重要猜想是:在全等圓盤的填充中,密度最大填充可由正六邊形阿基米德鑲嵌中的內圓得到,這一猜想直到本世紀初才得以證明。

Take time , several times per day , to find a quiet place to become in tune again with your vision , to remember , to nurture , and to center yourself into those thoughts , feelings , and actions which are congruent with your vision for yourself 別著急,每天幾次,找一個安靜的地方去努力做到和你的意愿保持協調,去回憶、去豐富、去把自己集中于這些有益的思想、感覺、行動。

This requires less lecturing and more dialogue ; less sentimentality and more recognition that russia ' s national interests are not always congruent with ours ; less sociology and more foreign policy 這需要少一點訓斥,多一點對話;少一點感情用事,而應更多地意識到,俄羅斯的國家利益與我們的國家利益并非總是協調一致;少一點對社會問題的指手劃腳,多一點外交攻心。

The main results obtained in this paper are as follows : ( 1 ) it is discovered that the nine - point difference scheme is not consistent over any irregular quadrangle grid except that the grid is consists of some congruent parallelograms 所獲主要結果如下: ( 1 )通過大量數值試驗和理論分析,揭露了九點差分格式在不規則四邊形網格上按經典意義不相容的缺點。

Focuses on one or more specific nations , carries out a resource assessment , and develops an energy strategy that is congruent with technical potential , cultural requirements , and environmental constraints 課程討論焦點將集中在一個或多個特定國家,進行資源的評估,并發展一個合乎技術潛力、文化要求及環境限制的能源策略。

There exist only five polyhedra whose faces are all congruent regular polygons , and where the same number of faces meet at every vertex . this was disovered by the greek philosopher plato about 2 , 400 years ago 希臘哲學家柏拉圖約在2 , 400年前已發現正多面體只有五種,因此這五種多面體便被統稱為柏拉圖方體。

World science day will achieve one of its essential aims if it helps to focus the attention of young people on science and how its goals are congruent with their own aspirations 如果世界科學日可以引起青少年對科學的關注,并使他們了解到科學日的目標和他們的熱情是一致的,世界科學日就實現了它的重要目標之一。

By means of looking for two congruent polygons which have distinctive features , we can get the match of all points following the correspondence of the match of the two congruent polygons 通過在待匹配的兩個點集中尋找兩個全等的具有鮮明特征的多邊形,由這兩個多邊形對應點的匹配,確定兩個點集中點的匹配。

Linear congruent generators and , in fact , all polynomial congruent generators turn out to be easy to break with relatively little information , and they should be avoided at all costs 某些電子郵件服務器中存在的一個大問題是它們在獲取郵件端口之后沒有放棄它們的root權限( sendmail是個經典示例) 。

Leaders select a specific behavior ? directive , supportive , participative , or achievement oriented ? that ' s congruent with the demands of the environment and the characteristics of the subordinate 領導者可能會選擇具體的行為? ?指導的、支持的、參與的、取得成就? ?這是環境的要求與下屬的特點相結合。

All these problems are responsible for those orientations of both concept and behavior of the university students , which are not congruent with the requirements for citizen moral building 這些問題導致大學生的一些觀念和行為表現出與公民道德建設要求極不相稱的傾向。