
congruence 短語和例子congruence, congruencyn...

congruence field

Value goal congruence 價值目標一致性

We can try and solve congruences modulo pn for higher and higher value of n 我們可以對越來越大的n去試解mod pn的同余式。

Congruence ideals and congruence relations of pseudocomplemented distributive lattice 偽補分配格的同余理想與同余關系

In this paper we mainly discuss structures and congruences on some semirings 本文主要討論某些半環的結構與同余。

Some notes on the fuzzy prime ideal and fuzzy congruence of semigroups 關于半群的模糊素理想與模糊同余的幾個注記

A note for the divisible semiring congruence on eventually regular semiring 關于擬正則半環上可除半環同余的注記

Error - detecting codes ; ring of congruence classes ; probabilities detected of errors 檢錯編碼剩余類環檢錯概率

L - fuzzy congruence relation over groups 同余關系

Vi a new method and its proof for triangle congruence and similarity 判定三角形全等與相似的一種新方法及其證明

Grey congruence relations of groups 群的灰同余關系

Congruences for higher order euler numbers 數的同余

Congruence relation and quotient group 同余關系與商群

Certain relations on the congruence lattice of two types of bisimple - semigroups 半群同余格上的某種關系

On the congruence and interaction of the moral and political civilization 簡析政治文明與道德的相融互動

Fuzzy group congruences on a semigroup 半群上的模糊群同余

A congruence on real quadratic fields 實二次域的一個同余式

The central kernel middle ideal and congruence relation of fuzzy lattices 格的中心核中理想與同余關系

On the classification of inverse semigroups which congruence kernels are trivial 核平凡逆半群的分類

A congruence on the sandwich semigroups te x , y 上的一個同余