
congreve n.康格里夫〔姓氏〕。


“ the late seventeenth and eighteenth century is the great period of camp : pope , congreve , walpole , but not swift ; . . . the rococo churches of munich ; pergolesi “十七世紀后半葉和十八世紀造作盛極一時,蒲柏、康格里夫、沃波爾、但沒有斯威夫特; … …慕尼黑的洛可可風格的教堂;帕爾格萊西。

In 1840 sir william congreve , an english artillery captain , began some notable experiments with rockets 1804年,威廉?康格利夫爵士,一位英國炮兵上尉,對火箭開始了一些令人注目的實驗。

“ heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned ” ( william congreve ) “天堂里沒有使愛轉化為恨的那種震怒” 。 (威廉?康格萊夫) 。

“ a branch of one of your antediluvian families ” ( william congreve ) “你們那些快老掉牙的家族中的一支” (威廉?康格里夫) 。

William congreve . the way of the world 威廉康格里夫《浮士道》 。

The congreve rocket was cumbersome and poorly stabilized . 康格利夫火箭既笨重,穩定性又不好。