
congressional adj.會議的;委員會的;〔C-〕〔美國〕國會的。

congressional district

My own congressional data , including recent updates to my standing committee data 我自己的國會數據網站包括了關于常委委員會數據的最近更新。

My own congressional data , including recent updates to my standing committee data 我所整理的國會資訊,包含最近更新的委員會的相關資訊。

A congressional hearing has expressed concern at the number of illegal immigrants 國會的一個聽證會已經對非法移民的人數表達了關切。

“ you cannot run a war by committee , “ the vice - president said of congressional input 他說: “總不能靠國會來打這場戰爭。 ”

Their actions have led to congressional investigations and calls for reform 她們的行動使得國會介入調查,并且要求改革。

But congressional equivocation also reflects congressional ambivalence 但是國會的模棱兩可也反映了國會的矛盾心理。

The president tried to drum up congressional support for his energy policy 總統試圖取得國會對其能源政策的支持。

Cmh congressional medal of honor 美國國會榮譽勛章

Buffalo blll : 27 congressional medals 27號國會勛章

Told a congressional committee 兩天前告訴國會委員會

He was suited up and combed down for his congressional appearance 他已穿戴整齊并修飾一新準備出席國會。

Where he won the congressional medal of honor for combat bravery 他由于作戰英勇而被授予國會榮譽勛章

Congressional , state and local elections are november seven 國會、洲際和地區競選都定在十一月七日。

The president exercised his veto against the congressional bill 總統對國會的法案行使了否決權

Ce meets us congressional delegation 行政長官會見美國會議員代表團

17 congressmen were absent at the congressional roll call 國會點名時發現有17個議員缺席。

The congressional opponents zeroed in on the bill 國會中的反對派把矛頭集中指向那項議案。

Lt . dan : they gave you the congressional medal of honor 丹中尉:他們給了你國會榮譽勛章。

You could check for discrepancies against the congressional record , 你可以對照國會記錄、