
congress n.1.(代表)大會。2.國會;國會會期;〔C-〕美國國...

congress boot

He got congress to appropriate $25 million to resettle destitute families on farms . 他叫國會撥款二千五百萬美元在農村安置貧困的家庭。

Lewis cynical defiance of federal authority was more than congress would tolerate . 劉易斯對聯邦權威的極端蔑視,使國會再也無法容忍。

Two years later, in january 1917, congress overrode his veto of a similar bill . 兩年后,1917年1月,國會推翻他對一項類似法案的否決。

Deputies to the people 's congresses have the right to address inquiries to state organs . 人民代表大會代表有權向國家機關提出質詢。

In 1891 congress authorized the president to set aside national forest reserves . 一八九一年,國會授權給總統去劃出國有森林保留地。

The congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises . 國會有權規定并征收稅金、關稅、捐稅和消費稅。

In response to the president's appeal, congress approved the federal emergency relief act . 國會響應總統呼吁,通過聯邦緊急救濟法。

The library of congress system, likewise, belongs to the turn of the century . 同樣,國會圖書館分類體系也不過是在本世紀初出現的。

He observed the restrictions imposed by the congress with conviction and efficiency . 他真心實意和不折不扣地遵守國會規定的限制。

For the rest, hamilton spent most of his time dealing with congress . 至于其他方面,漢密爾頓把大部分時間都花在同國會打交道上。

The total number of members of the house or representatives has been determined by congress . 眾議院的議員總數是由國會決定的。

Congress gave money to the states for development of air pollution reduction program . 國會拔款用來實施減少大氣污染的規劃。

Congress established a loan guarantee board to oversee the operation . 國會設立了一個貸款保證委員會來監督保證貸款的執行。

His support was essential to steer military appropriations through the congress . 他的支持實質上是要使國會通過軍事撥款。

Dungan was looking for someone conservative enough to reassure congress . 鄧根要物色這樣一個人,他保守到足以使國會放心。

The senator got this law passed by wheeling and dealing in congress . 這位參議員在國會內運用權勢及關系,使得此法案通過。

The bill was passed only after six years of bitter struggle in congress . 這一提案在國會進行了激烈的爭論,六年后才通過。

I would like you to meet my geography professor . he is in the congress . 我想介紹我的地理老師給你認識,他現在在國會。

Many american presidents served in congress before they became presidents . 很多美國總統在他們當選之前都在國會任過職。