
congregational adj.1.【宗教】公理會的。2.〔c-〕集會的;(教堂...


On the other hand , the british , knowing that reformed clergy had taken the lead in promoting independence ( see below ) , targeted their churches for desecration : they would find the local presbyterian ( or congregational ) church and turn into a stable for their horses , thus “ desecrating “ it 另一方面,當英國人知道改革宗的牧師領導提倡獨立(見下)之后,就以他們的教會為玷辱的目標;英國人尋找地方上的長老會(或公理會)的教堂,把這些教堂變為他們的馬廄,藉此玷辱其教會。

The school does not belong to any single denomination , it is supported by denominations of several traditions , viz . , congregational , presbyterian , reformed , lutheran , anglican , and methodist . as a result , the approach to theological studies is open and non - doctrinal 本院不屬于任何一個宗派,乃由公理宗、長老宗、改革宗、信義宗、圣公宗、循道衛理宗神學傳統之教會支持,故對神學之研究采普及與開放態度,兼顧各家所長,并以圣經為信徒信仰及生活之主要權威。

I ve shared a story that many of you have read in our congregational newspaper . it is a story of the lady who was dedicated to her faith in jesus christ and to her church . when she knew the path ahead of her life was short , she said to her pastor , “ i want to plan my funeral with you . 我曾經講過一個故事,很多人在我們分發的報紙上也看到,故事是關于一位女士,她對教會非常忠心,當她知道自己時日無多,她對她的牧師說:我想跟你一起籌備我的喪禮。

Over the bare limbs of the trees , which now swayed in the wintry wind , rose the steeple of the union park congregational church , and far off the towers of several others 光禿禿的樹枝在寒風中搖擺,樹梢后面聳立起聯合公園公理會教堂的尖頂,再遠處,還有好幾個教堂的塔樓聳立著。

Religion : the principal religion is christianity , with about 70 % of the population adhering to the cook islands congregational christian church , and roman catholic 宗教:主要信基督教, 70的人屬于庫克群島公理會基督教會以及天主教。

The place where this market situated used to be occupied by the preaching house of american congregational mission 這個市場的所在之處,原為美國公理會的布道所。

Original site of the american congregational mission preaching hall 2 bridges street -美國公理會福音堂原址-必列者士街2號

The china congregational church 中華基督教會公理堂

Original site of the american congregational mission preaching house 美國公理會布道所舊址

Old site of the preaching house of american congregational mission 美國公理會布道所舊址