
congregate vt.,vi.(使)聚集,集合。adj.聚集的;集團的。


The earliest chinese woodblock used in ancient china was , however , made of a long woodblock about 4 to 5 feet long . it was hung outside a temple and hit at meal times to congregate the monks 古書中提及之木魚是用長木刻成魚型之樂器,長達四五尺,懸掛于佛堂之外,以便召集僧侶用膳時使用。

People who congregate around girls like me can gain a great deal by paying close attention to the slightest words we say , and by drawing conclusions from our most insignificant actions 那些圍著像我一樣的姑娘轉的人都喜歡對她們的一言一語尋根究底,想在她們無意的行動里找出什么含義來。

The luncheon gathering was filled with joyful ambience . congregating different generations of chung chi students and manifesting the cohesion of the college undoubtedly made the event enviable 席上氣氛歡愉,最難得的是不同年代的崇基人聚首一堂,又再次體現崇基一家親之精神。

The embassy is urging u . s . citizens to avoid public areas where foreigners congregate and to remain vigilant about personal security 肯尼迪沒有透露有關威脅性質的詳情。但是,他說, “新德里美國大使館的機關沒有關閉。不過大使館根據得到的威脅信息告誡美國人采取適當的預防措施。 ”

It is also worthy to note that those to “ believe “ that “ there is one life to live and then nothing “ congregate at their own resonant level within this band 另外,值得注意的是,在這個環帶中, “相信” “只有一生可活,然后一切就結束了”的人聚集在這個環帶中的他們自己的共振層。

Han nationality distributied every part of the country , mainly congregated in yellow river , yangtze river and pearl river downstream of three major rivers and the northeast china plain 14漢族分布在全國各地,主要聚居在黃河、長江、珠江三大流域的中下游和東北平原。

A lone barracuda insinuates itself into a school of bluetail unicornfish . these fish congregate by the hundreds , following current sat the edge of reef drop - offs 一條孤單的梭子魚巴結著一群藍尾獨角魚,這些魚幾百條的聚集在一起,隨著水流在碎落的暗礁邊緣徘徊。

The bears are slowly congregating along the coast , anticipating the winter freeze of hudson bay when they can get onto the ice and hunt their favorite meal of ringed seal 這些北極熊在冬天慢慢地聚集到岸邊,因為他們能在寒冷的冰層上獵到自己的美味? ?環斑海豹。

While a majority of chinese in the united states congregate on the east and west coasts , there are more than a hundred chinese churches and bible study groups in the midwest 雖然大部分華人都聚居在美國的東西兩岸,在中西地區也有超過百家的華人教會和查經班。

Congregated with souls of countless pacific war victims , godzilla can be killed by no weapon except three dormant sacred beasts fighting together with human being . . 今次哥斯拉附著太平洋戰爭的死者幽靈,并且刀槍不入,唯有三只神獸與人類合力才有機會打敗它. .

The working group focused on areas with concentrated pockets of homeless people , most of whom congregate in subways and small alcoves in the city s underground train stations 當天,同修將目標鎖定在游民朋友們聚集的地區,包括各地下道地下鐵的偏僻角落。

The new town is simply another dusty chinese city , the old town is where backpackers congregate and the increasingly ubiquitous tour passes 新城只不過是另外一個塵土飛揚的中國小城,而古城里則聚集了各種背包旅行的人,游客團隨處可見,且日益增多。

The east of northeast china is a especially complex area as a frontier area , entironment being sensitive and fragile , where minorities congregate 東北東部地區既是我國地緣環境復雜的沿邊地區,同時也是生態環境敏感區域和少數民族聚居之地。

An effective way to deal with feral bird nuisances is to avoid feeding of these birds so as to avoid the birds congregating and creating nuisances (二)對付野生雀鳥滋擾的有效方法,是避免喂飼它們,以免它們聚集,造成滋擾。

Through internet more and more information are delivering to everywhere of the world , and more and more information are congregated in internet 越來越多的信息通過互聯網被傳送到世界各地,互聯網中也積聚了越來越多的信息。

Utilizing the transmitted electronic microscope ( tem ) , we can observe that particles disperse uniformly and some of them congregate 用透射電子顯微鏡( tem )觀察到:微粒在磁性液體中均勻分散,有少數微粒形成聚集體。

Then , the combination of rst and other intelligent control tools is analyzed to congregate advantages and improve control effects 然后,總結和分析了粗糙集理論與其它智能控制技術的融合,以取長補短,提升控制品質。

The riverside old region is one of the most prosperous areas in the traditional cities of china , where the spirit of the city is congregated 濱河舊區是中國傳統城市中最具有活力的地區之一,凝聚了城市的人文精神。

The embassy is urging u . s . citizens to avoid public areas where foreigners congregate and to remain vigilant about personal security 美國大使館敦促美國公民避免去外國人聚集的公共場所,對自己的個人安全要提高警惕。