
congratulatory adj.祝賀的。 a congratulatory ad...


What we issued today is not just a congratulatory message on stamp for the brilliant performance of our delegation in the olympic games , but also an expression of our corporate goal to bring people together for it demonstrates our support to local sport community 而今天以心思心意形式發行的郵票小版張,不單能配合部門“傳心意”的理念,同時亦可將香港隊的輝煌成就記錄下來,可算是香港郵政對本地體育界的一點心意。

We would like to collect your congratulatory messages for this special day so that we will make another memorial book full of lovely messages from his fans all over the world to present to our seung heon to make a wish for his good health and honorable discharge until the end 我們將收集大家為這個特別日子寫下的祝賀語,再次編輯成冊,把這些來自世界各地影迷的可愛留言寄給承憲,祈愿他身體健康直至光榮退役

Then , on the screen of the stage we saw congratulatory letters from clubs of universities all over the country , which represented our deep friendship and meant our position and achievements what had been affirmed by others 接下來,在前臺的大屏幕上,一封封來自全國各兄弟俱樂部的祝賀信展示在我們眼前,這不但意味著兄弟俱樂部之間濃情深厚,還意味著我們俱樂部的的地位、所取得的成績受到更多人的肯定!

Then , on the screen of the stage we saw congratulatory letters from clubs of universities all over the country , which represented our deep friendship and meant our position and achievements had been affirmed by others 接下來,在前臺的大屏幕上,一封封來自全國各兄弟俱樂部的祝賀信展示在我們眼前,這不但意味著兄弟俱樂部之間濃情深厚,還意味著我們俱樂部的的地位、所取得的成績受到更多人的肯定!

The jakarta center expressed its gratitude to master by offering her one of their traditional dishes - cone rice , which is normally presented at special or congratulatory events to show the highest gratitude to almighty god 為了表達對師父的感激之情,小中心特別制作了印尼傳統的錐形飯塔。通常在具有特殊意義的場合或為了慶祝活動的圓滿成功,印尼人會獻上錐形飯塔,以表達他們對上帝的無限感激。

Fellow practitioners from over thirty nations had happily arrived at the front doors of their hsihu home . prominent politicians and vip s from many nations also continued to arrive for the great occasion , while some sent congratulatory messages by fax 清海日當天秋高氣爽碧空萬里,來自全世界三十多國的同修喜洋洋地回?西湖家門,各國政要貴賓也陸續從世界各地親赴盛會,或致賀電表達賀忱。

As festive presents to passengers , the 5th anniversary laisee packets are golden in colour with congratulatory messages developed from the chinese name of the company , to bless our passengers a happy new year with prosperity and good business 至于利是封方面,今年特別采用金色設計,并以新渡輪三個字組成吉祥語句,向乘客拜一個早年,祝各位乘客,新年快樂富貴共渡及貨如輪轉。

The new president , whohas a kidney ailment , has shown how fed up he has become with thedemands being made on him by publicly asking political delegations tostop making congratulatory visits until a “ more auspicious ” time 這位患有腎失調的新任總統已經表現出其煩躁不安,原因是政府內要求總統先生在更加吉兆的時刻來臨之前,對政治代表團對別國的賀事訪問先暫時叫停。

After brother lo s address , the master of ceremonies read congratulatory messages from formosa s office of the president and ministry of the interior . such recognition and support from the president and minister greatly boosted the team members morale 之后,由司儀為大家宣讀來自總統府及內政部的賀電,總統和部長對救援隊的肯定與支持,更是提升了隊員們的士氣。

Norway ' s prime minister jens stoltenberg sent a congratulatory message to the festival , saying the event will serve as a platform for displaying the chinese culture to the norwegians and enhancing the people - to - people friendship between both countries 挪威首相延斯?斯托爾滕貝格先生致電祝賀文化節,說這為挪威人展示中國文化提供了平臺和促進了兩國人民的友誼。

The president and mrs . clinton of the u . s . a . personally sent master their congratulations and greetings . besides sending their congratulatory messages , the governors of the six mid - western states of the u . s . a . honored master with a plaque , to commemorate her 美國總統柯林頓伉儷親致賀電問安師父,美中西部六州州長除發賀電外并合贈一面金牌,紀念師父的榮耀。

Several high level managers from both tencent and china telecom attended this grand activity and gave congratulatory speeches , decorating valentine s eve in shanghai this year with a special glamour 騰訊與中國電信的多位領導前往現場參與了活動并祝詞,也讓今年上海的情人節之夜增添了一份不一樣的光彩和靚麗。

In tokyo , books will be set out in front of the imperial palace and the separate palace where the parents - to - be reside so ordinary citizens can leave congratulatory messages 在東京,工作人員在皇宮以及德仁太子和雅子太子妃-這對準父母居住的宮殿前向人們分發小冊子,以便讓普通百姓們在上面寫下祝福的話語。

I would love to have heard jimmy carter ' s congratulatory phone call to know how the two men signaled their shared understanding of the redemptive power of this prize 當聽到吉米?卡特打電話祝賀戈爾的消息時,我感到高興,諾貝爾和平獎對這兩個人都是一種補償。 (阮注:卡特也是諾貝爾和平獎獲得者。 )

China ' s premier wen jiabao sent a congratulatory message on sunday to the 9th ordinary session of the assembly of the african union , which is held from july 1st to 3rd in accra the capital of ghana 第九屆非盟首腦會議7月1日到3日在加納首都阿克拉開幕,中國國務院總理溫家寶周日致函表示祝賀。

For example , the local town officials sent us a congratulatory letter praising our home for having the best garden in the neighborhood , and encouraging us to continue beautifying the environment 有一次鎮公所還寄給我們一封褒獎的信,說我們家的花園是附近地區最漂亮的,鼓勵我們繼續美化環境。

A group of fans in the upper deck at yankee stadium even took to posting signs for each ground ball induced by wang , much the way power pitchers are greeted with congratulatory “ ks “ 坐在洋基球場上層的一群球迷,在阿民讓對手擊出滾地球時,就會張貼(滾地球)標志,如同像投手三振對手時貼上一樣

The combined themes of the two stamps - “ care and love “ and “ celebrations “ - generate a happy congratulatory message , making the stamps suitable for special moments and commemorative celebrations 兩款郵票的主題分別是愛與關懷和紀念志慶,十分適用于特別的時刻和值得紀念的日子。

The partners and the brother units sent the congratulatory telegram respectfully congratulated the company discarding the old for the new , developing vigorously and opening a new chapter of agriculture 合作伙伴及兄弟單位紛紛發來賀電,恭祝浩豐公司辭舊迎新,蓬勃發展,開辟農業新篇章。