
congratulation n.祝賀;〔pl.〕祝詞,賀辭。 a matter fo...


Congratulations gary . you ' ve done an amazing thing 恭喜你,凱瑞你做了驚人之舉

Man congratulations , hudson high class of 2004 祝賀你們胡德森高中2004屆畢業生們

Looks like you win after all , tiff . congratulations 看起來,你贏了,蒂芬,恭喜你

Congratulations . you move right along , don ' t you 祝賀你.你就要搬走了,是嗎

Congratulations . acting third lieutenant . - thank you 祝賀你,代理少尉-謝謝

Really ? congratulations ! when will you leave (真的嗎?祝賀你!什么時候走? )

You did ? congratulations ! i knew you could do it 是嗎?恭喜你!我就知道你能通過。

Hearty congratulations on your great success 對你取得的巨大成功表示衷心的祝賀。

- she got engaged over christmas ! - congratulations -她在圣誕節就訂婚了! -祝賀哦

Congratulations ! you have killed all the bandits 恭喜你!你殺光了所有的強盜!

Yes , i did hear of it . i offer my congratulations 是的,我的確聽說過恭喜你們

Congratulations on that filler it was a great story 祝賀你的補白,是個很好的題材

- congratulations . acting third lieutenant . - thank you -祝賀你,代理少尉-謝謝

They extended warm congratulations to the congress 他們向代表大會表示熱烈祝賀。

A : congratulations , jack ! you really did very well 祝賀你,杰克!您表現很出色!

Congratulations and have a beautiful honeymoon 恭喜你們,祝你們有個美好的蜜月。

Please convey my congratulations to your ted 請把我的祝賀之意轉達給你的特德。

Congratulations . georgetown . wow . you must be flyin ' 祝賀阿,喬治敦你前途無量阿

You did a great job . congratulations . - thank you 你干得相當不錯.祝賀你. -謝謝