
congratulate vt.祝賀,向…致祝詞。 I congratulate ...


Her parents congratulated jim on his new appointment 她的父母祝賀吉姆的新任命

She is to be congratulated on his brilliant discovery 他的重大發現理應受到慶賀。

Now both of you will congratulate the other , good 現在你們兩人要互相祝賀:干得好

Tom and mary congratulated us on the birth of our daughter 湯姆和瑪麗為我們女

We congratulated her on having come first in the exam 我們祝賀她考試得了第一名。

I ' d love to congratulate you as you graduate 在你畢業之際,我向你表示衷心祝賀。

We would like to congratulate you , ” the letter read 我們要恭喜你, ”信上寫道。

I congratulate you on this marvelous opportunity 恭喜你獲得這樣一個極好的機會。

His neighbors came to congratulate him on his gain 他的鄰居又為他的收獲而祝賀。

Sha congratulates asian games medal winners 民政事務局局長祝賀香港隊再奪亞運獎牌

Let me congratulate you on a very important conquest . 讓我恭喜你的情場得意。 ”

Yanhua mm , let me congratulate you one more time 煙花妹妹,讓我再一次祝賀你!

Her parents congratulated jim on his new appointment 她的父母祝賀吉姆的新任命。

We congratulate you on the opening of your business (我們祝賀貴方開業大吉。 )

He congratulated him on entering the bonds of matrimony at an age when many young men thought only of their pleasures . 他祝賀新郎年紀輕輕就承擔起婚姻的責任,而許多年輕男人在這樣的年紀還只考慮如何尋歡作樂。

It was like a man who put a lighted match to a house expecting to be congratulated for subsequently ringing the fire brigade . 這同一個人點了火燒房子,因此隨后打電話報告了消防隊而在期待人們的表揚一樣。

“don't congratulate me,“ bloggs said. “by the time i got here it was all over, bar the tidying up. “ “別向我祝賀,”布洛格斯說:“當我到達這兒時,事情已經結束,我不過收拾了一下殘局而已。”

Okay, so we congratulate ourselves that we've held losses down to three quarters of one percent of total business . 不是嗎?咱們總算把損失減少到全部營業額的075,因此都在自我慶幸。

Just as he finished congratulating himself on his innocent ruse he was bumped hard by one of his opponents . 就在他暗自慶幸自己那無損于人的計策的當兒,對方球隊竟然有人狠狠撞了他一下。