
congolese adj.剛果(人)的;剛果語的。n.剛果人;剛果語。


The disciples from durban informed us that there were a number of congolese refugee brothers awaiting initiation and we knew that this would be a great blessing from master for that war - torn part of the world 從德爾班來的同修告訴我們,有一些剛果難民正等待印心,我們知道師父無上的加持已澤及這個飽受戰爭蹂躪的國度。

In short , president joseph kabila ' s government had apparently bowed to calls for more transparency in mining contracts and for more revenue to go to the state and congolese people 簡言之,約瑟夫?卡比拉政府明顯接受了使采礦特許權更加透明和使剛果政府和人民獲得更多收入的要求。

It tracks illegal unregistered aircraft , so called ghost planes , delivering arms and picking up precious minerals at air - strips hidden in the congolese jungle 它對非法注冊的所謂的“魔鬼飛機”進行追蹤,這種飛機運送武器并且運輸安放在剛果的灌木叢中的飛機跑道之間的寶貴礦物。

War has left three million congolese dead and millions more starving , while conflicts in iraq and afghanistan have swelled their ranks of malnourished , says de haen 戰爭已經造成300萬剛果人死亡,更多的人處于饑餓狀態。伊拉克和阿富汗長期的戰爭也讓兩國的饑荒人口直線上升。

War has left three million congolese dead and millio more starving , while conflicts in iraq and afghanistan have swelled their ranks of malnourished , says de haen 戰爭已經造成300萬剛果人死亡,更多的人處于饑餓狀態。伊拉克和阿富汗長期的戰爭也讓兩國的饑荒人口直線上升。

Last month a meeting of would - be donors to discuss ways of giving the congolese a “ peace dividend ” was plunged into darkness by a power cut , despite being held in kinshasa ' s plushest hotel 但盡管此次會議在首都最豪華的賓館舉行,但后來也因為斷電而陷入一片漆黑之中。

Only 6 % of congolese have access to electricity and more power will be needed to get at the country ' s trove of minerals 從理論上講,在剛果河水流湍急的沿路建造多個水壩的宏偉計劃將提供三萬九千兆瓦特的能量,這些足夠為整個非洲大陸提供能量。

The international criminal court ( i . c . c . ) is scheduled to announce monday if a former congolese militia leader will face trial on war crimes charges 國際刑事法庭定于星期一宣布一名前剛果武裝領導人是否會因戰爭罪行而接受審判。

The international criminal court i . c . c . is scheduled to announce monday if a former congolese militia leader will face trial on war crimes charges 國際刑事法庭定于星期一宣布一名前剛果武裝領導人是否會因戰爭罪行而接受審判。

The soldier , an indian , was in a un * / supporting congolese forces when their camp was attacked by the malitiaman who are from uganda 該士兵來自印度,當烏干達的武裝分子襲擊營地時,他正在一個聯合國支持的剛果軍營。

According to the un , a congolese person manages on average to get access to health care once in seven years 上個月,在金沙薩舉行了一次預計捐款的會議,會上談到了采取各種方式來為剛果人提供“和平股息” 。

Twenty - five - million registered congolese voters are also selecting a new 500 - seat parliament from nearly 10 , 000 candidates 2500萬登記過的剛果選民也從近1萬候選人中選出新的500人組成的議會。

Figures at the congolese ministry of mines say that monthly export of copper and cobalt range from 5 , 500 to 9 , 000 tonnes 剛果礦業部的統計數字說每月出口的銅礦和鈷礦為5500噸到9000噸。

Un says mass grave found in congolese army base 聯合國說剛果軍營內發現亂葬坑

At the request of the congolese government, however, the general assembly authorized the stay of a reduced number of troops for a further six months . 由于剛果政府的請求,大會批準為數不多的部隊繼續駐扎六個月。