
congo red 剛果紅〔一種染料〕。


The photocatalytic activities of the xw11 / tio2 ( x = p , si , ge ) composite films were tested via degradation of aqueous azo - dyes , congo red ( cr ) and naphthol blue black ( nbb ) . it was observed that the photocatalytic activities of the three composite films are much higher than that of the pure tio2 film , mainly attributed to the synergetic effect between xw11 and tio2 , i . e . , xw11 - catalyzed electron transfer from the conduction band ( cb ) of photoexicited tio2 to itself 結果表明三種復合膜均具有遠高于純tio _ 2膜的活性,主要歸因于復合膜材料中多金屬氧酸鹽和tio _ 2之間存在的協同效應,即作為強電子受體的多金屬氧酸鹽接受tio _ 2受光激發形成的導帶光生電子,延長了空穴-電子的再復合時間,同時自身仍具有光活性。

A 0 . 85um - or 1 . 3um - led - lighted fiber optic humidity sensor based on a film of 40 ~ 100nm in thickness self - assembled on the end face of the fiber can work in the range of 1 ~ 100 % rh with a response time less than 1s . this novel humidity sensor can be used for monitoring human breathing - conditions . organic molecules including congo red , a derivative of copper phthalocyanine and a fullerol were self - assembled with polymers into multilayer thin films , and organic molecules with more than 4 charged groups exhibited satisfactory features for multilayer self - assembling 聚電解質pdda -聚染料ps - 119體系具有很好的自組裝性,多層復合膜無明確的層狀結構特征,在宏觀上表現出單層光學涂層的特性,單層膜的厚度在納米量級且與聚電解質水溶液的濃度有關;薄膜具有濕敏特性,在光纖端面上組裝厚度為40 100nm的薄膜,采用0 . 85 m或1 . 3 m的led光源,可以制成光纖濕度傳感器,傳感器的工作區間為0 100 rh ,響應時間1s ,可以用于對人的呼吸監測。

It was found that b - 6 isolated by the method of distinct zone of clearing in cellulose - congo red agar medium combined with measuring the enzyme activity of liquid culture filtrates had comparatively higher cellulase activity . by measuring activity of cellulase of strains growing in medium with different carbon sources and of washed mycelium induced by different carbon sources in certain time , it found that the formation of cellulase was regulated by the nature of the carbon source used for b - 6 and as3 . 3711 真菌纖維素酶是一種誘導酶,碳源同時也是主要的誘導物來源,為了研究碳源對真菌纖維素酶合成的誘導機理,本文利用液體生長培養和洗滌菌絲誘導培養法研究了不同碳源對兩菌株的誘導特性,并用電泳分析法研究了不同碳源的誘導酶譜。

Plastics . determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures . part 1 : congo red method 塑料.化合物聚乙烯共聚物基產品衍化為氯化氫的共聚物及高溫下的其他酸性產品的傾向性測定.第1部分:剛果紅測定法

Determination of compounds and products based on vingl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevoted temperatures - congo red method 以氯乙烯均聚和共聚物為主的共混物及制品在高溫時放出氯化氫和任何其它酸性產物的測定剛果紅法

When stained with congo red and observed under polarized light , the amyloid has a characteristic “ apple green “ birefringence as seen here in a deposit around an artery in the heart 剛果紅染色,在偏振光下觀察,如圖所見在心臟一動脈周圍的沉積物,淀粉樣物質呈現典型的“蘋果綠”雙折射光。

Methods the content of - glucan determined by phenol - sulfuric acid method , congo red method , two enzymes method and modified two enzymes method , respectively and compare these four methods 方法分別采用苯酚硫酸法、剛果紅法、雙酶法和改良雙酶法測定-葡聚糖含量,并比較結果。

The methylene blue , congo red and dimethoate was use to photodegradation , and then some measures that can be referred were raised 選取亞甲基蘭、剛果紅和有機磷農藥樂果進行初步的室內、室外降解實驗,進而提出系統還需優化之處,可供相關人員參考。