
congo n.〔the Congo〕 1. 剛果〔非洲〕。 2. ...

congo dye

Despite this , the benefits for dr congo are limited . the project employs less than 400 workers here 除此以外,剛果的利益就很有限了。該項目在那里雇傭了不到400人。

In 1948 , he went to lake kivu in the congo to observe a new volcano which he later named kituro 1948年,他到剛果基烏湖觀察過一個新火山,后來他把這火山叫做基特羅。

In eastern congo , a classroom just outside goma has provided schooling to many orphaned and wounded children 剛果東部戈馬城外的教室,讓很多孤兒和受傷兒童就學。

Countries with the worst run forests , meanwhile , are war - torn places such as congo and cambodia 森林經營最差的國家同時也是遭戰爭洗劫過的地方,如剛果和柬埔寨。

The kinshasa declaration is the culmination of a five - day conference held recently in congo ' s capital 金夏沙宣言乃是最近于剛果首都舉行的5天會議的重頭戲。

The highest rates of nutrient loss are in guinea , congo , angola , rwanda , burundi and uganda 有營養的直接的,緊接的,緊靠的,立即的,知覺的采礦,礦業

Pathological examination of the medial rectus muscle showed positive congo red stain compatible with amyloidosis 病理切片檢查顯示陽性剛果紅染色反應。

A branch of the niger - congo language family , spoken in the upper niger river valley 曼丁哥語尼日爾剛果語族中的一支,尼日爾河上游河谷地區的人說此語

The blood came from a man in what is now the capital of the democratic republic of congo , kinshasa 這種血液來自一個現剛果首都金沙薩的公民體內。

In congo , the un is doing its best to hold the ring between several rival ragtag armies 在剛果,聯合國正竭盡全力地遏制一些組織渙散叛軍的爭斗。

In congo , the un is doing its best to hold the ring between several rival ragtag armies 在剛果,聯合國正竭盡全力地遏制組織渙散的叛軍進行爭斗。

14 species in tropical america and africa . g . africana yielded in congo and best wood in longui 計14種?分布于熱帶美洲與非洲?主要伐采地在剛果。

About 100 species in tropical america and africa . pao rosa yielded mainly in congo in africa 近100種?分布于熱帶美洲與非洲?主要伐采地在剛果。

Its prosecutors have delved deeply into horrible wars in congo , sudan and uganda 法院檢察官的觸角延伸至剛果、蘇丹和烏干達的恐怖戰爭。

Here the amyloid stroma of the medullary thyroid carcinoma has been stained with congo red 剛果紅染色顯示甲狀腺髓樣癌的淀粉樣基質。

. . . but african parrots , in their native congo , they speak only french . . .但是非洲鸚鵡,在它們的家鄉剛果,他們只說法語

To say the least , congo and uganda have never been the best of neighbours 剛果與烏干達從來就不是能忘卻舊仇的鄰友。

Congo is not the only country about to apply technology to conservation 剛果并不是唯一要使用高科技保護生態的國家。

But african parrots , in their native congo , they speak only french .但是非洲鸚鵡,在它們的家鄉剛果,他們只說法語