
conglutination n.黏合,黏著;【醫學】愈合。


Fucoidans is a unique class of sulfated polysaccharide with many special activities . and oligosaccharides from fucoidans are more valuable than the whole fucoidans due to their low conglutination and high solubility . in this paper , samples are collected from different coastal areas in qingdao in order to obtain bacteria producing fucoidanase 巖藻聚糖硫酸酯是一種獨特的活性多糖,而由其降解得到的寡糖,由于粘度低,溶解性好等優點而比原生的巖藻聚糖硫酸酯更有利用價值。

Curing inflammation of the muscle , vein membrane of the back by massage , it can stretch the muscles and smooth the vein , invigorate the circulation of qi and blood . it aims at easing the pain and muscle jerk , preventing from the conglutination of muscle , vein menbrane . practice combining with the video , it is more effective for the recovery 按摩治療項背肌筋膜炎可以舒筋通絡,行氣活血,手法的目的是減輕疼痛,緩解肌肉痙攣,防止肌筋膜粘連形成,再結合本片中的功能鍛煉,治療此病會有更加顯著的療效。

The detail is that starts from the fourth character image ( the middle of license plate ) , centers it , and then segments every character seriatim to the direction of left and right . it makes full use of the feature of the image . the priori information of license plate does well with the character conglutination and character rupture and presents a nice pre - segment 本文主要采用了引入先驗知識、垂直投影和最小包絡等方法從中間第四個字符開始,向左右兩邊進行逐一分割的方法,充分利用了圖像本身的特點,引進的先驗知識不受字符的粘連和斷裂的影響,有很好的預分割效果,最后的綜合分割效果較好,為字符的識別造好了準備。

The main effect factors include : 1 . microbial species , which seem to have different degradation rate under varied circumstances and n - alkanes ; 2 . physical and chemical properties of crude oil itself , which have an important effect on biodegradation , such as conglutination , boiling point , refractive index , ingredient and concentration of the oil ; and 3 . culture condition of microorganism , under which the degrading activity of microorganism will be affected by surfactant , light condition , sorbent , nutrition , co - metabolite , oxygen , temperature and salinity during the inoculation of selected or indigenous microorganisms 其中主要影響因素包括:菌種的影響,菌種在不同的環境中和對不同碳鏈長度的碳氫化合物表現出不同的降解效率;石油物質本身物理化學特性的影響,如石油物質在水體或土壤中的濃度以及石油的粘度、沸點、折射率等特性;生存環境條件的影響,在接種入高效率的降解菌或利用土著微生物進行降解時,降解率受到生存環境中各種條件的影響,如表面活性劑、光照條件、吸附劑的利用、營養鹽、共代謝底物、氧氣、溫度、鹽度等。

Based on the relationship between the temperature value , conglutination value and the amount in the turpentine , the temperature value and the conglutination value were selected being the direct measuring values . through these two values , the amount of terebinth was measured indirectly . and a new way to measure the conglutination value on line was brought foreword 分析了澄清階段澄清脂液的物性特點,找出了脂液溫度、粘度和含油量大小之間有內在聯系,采用溫度與粘度這兩個較易實現在線檢測的量作為直接測量的變量,然后通過這兩個變量來間接檢測含油量的大小。

The difficulties lie hi that there is any disturbance of yawp , character conglutination , and character rupture etc . the paper first presents some methods that adopt prior knowledge of the license plate , perpendicular projection , and minimum character area and so on 車牌圖像的單字符分割即把車牌的整體區域分割成單字符的區域,以便后續進行識別,車牌字符分割的難點在于噪聲和字符粘連、斷裂對分割的影響。

Conclusion : after the patient suffering chronic sinusitis undergoes endoscopic sinus surgery , the treatment of the nasal cavity with mitomycin ( mmc ) can reduce the risk of nasal cavity conglutination and increase the curative rate 結論慢性鼻竇炎鼻內鏡術后鼻腔局部應用絲裂霉素可以明顯降低術腔粘連發生率,從而提高慢性鼻竇炎的手術治愈率。

The multi - projection histograms are proposed to segment the code in the line and row , and it also solves interference and conglutination problems , achieves accurate location of the number 運用多投影直方圖分割法對鋼材區的編號進行行、列分割,并解決了干擾、字符粘連等問題,實現了編號的精確定位分割。

The problem of conglutination is solved by using the algorithm and the processed images can also keep its basic conformation , meanwhile , the quality of the images is improved 結果可以看出,處理后的圖像在保持基本形態不變的情況下,較好地解決了磨粒粘連問題,并且圖像的質量得到了改善。

At the same time , practice combining with the video , it can release the conglutination , smooth the arthrosis , so as to recover the shoulder function , bring out the best in each other 同時,結合本片中的功能鍛煉可以松解粘連、滑利關節,從而促進肩關節功能的恢復,兩者相得益彰。

By massage , it can invigorate the circulation of blood , relieve swelling and pain , release the conglutination , and smooth the arthrosis . it is effective for curing ankle strain 按摩可以活血化瘀、消腫止痛、松解粘連、滑利關節,對于治療踝關節扭傷效果極佳。

Efficacy of blood dilution compounding light quantum in treating patients with cardiac angina complicated by high blood conglutination 血液稀釋復合光量子綜合療法治療冠心病心絞痛合并高粘血癥患者的療效觀察

Result : the study shows that there is a distinct difference between the two groups in nasal cavity conglutination and the curative rate 結果顯示兩組慢性鼻竇炎鼻內鏡術后術腔粘連和治愈率有明顯差異。

Analysis on conglutination phenomena of subconductors at vertical arrangement of 220 kv transmission - line 垂直排列雙分裂導線粘連的分析與研究

Conglutination of the carcinoma with proximal organ or tissue 5 .腫瘤與鄰近器官或組織粘連