
conglomeration n.1.結聚作用;結聚。2.團塊;堆集。3.集團。


Then make a whole depiction about the industrial conglomeration of the 13 cities in the zone according to the gained materials . finally take shantou and xiamen for example , make an empirical analysis on the effec t of the industrial conglomeration of the zone on the basis of the model p = aqbkr which was induced by the chinese economist tangjie . the result shows that there are some serious problems about the industrial conglomeration in both shantou and xiamen 定量分析表明,汕頭市和廈門市的產業集聚效果均不理想,特別是汕頭市的產業集聚效果對經濟集聚效果的貢獻為負,從而從定量方面說明汕頭市企業之間缺乏有機聯系、相互合作的嚴重問題,而對廈門市的行業進行分析的結果表明,廈門市大部分行業的經濟集聚效果偏低,這說明廈門市也存在產業集聚效果不理想的情況。

Her foremost position of the region location is also emerged stage by stage . as the heart of central china , wuhan shows her advantages in manufacturing , trade , traffic , science and education , etc . but , as the heart of central china , there are some deficiencies in wuhan “ conglomeration and radiation function 武漢作為華中之“中心”在工業制造、商貿、交通、科教等方面的地位已顯示出一定優勢,其區域龍頭地位日趨凸現,但作為區域中心在聚集與輻射功能方面還存在著許多不足。

In order to solve the problem of conglomeration of the nanoparticle and make the nanoparticle disperse evenly in the coatings . in this way , we could succeed in improving the effect of modification . we originally put forward the in - situ sythesising nanoparticle method to modify coatings . through this method , we made use of the technology of the wet chemical method and added the precursor of nanoparticle during the preparation of coatings 在此基礎上,為解決納米粉體的團聚問題,使納米粒子在涂料中有效分散與附聚,以實現納米粒子改性的有效性,原創性地提出了原位生成納米粒子改性涂料制備工藝的新思路:利用濕化學方法制備納米材料的技術,在常規涂料制備的過程中加入所需引入納米粒子的先驅物,直接在顏填料微粒的表面原位合成相應的納米粒子。

In the process of realizing industrial civilization , integrating and activating china s excellent cultural resources , giving play to the “ conglomeration effect “ of profound national culture , carrying forward and further developing the 5000 - year civilization of the chinese nation , and participating in international competition in the economic level and , more importantly , in the cultural level , will certainly greatly boost china ' s overall national strength , and lay a solid foundation for realizing the great revival of the chinese nation 應在實現工業文明的過程中,整合并激活我國優秀的文化資源,發揮深厚民族文化的“集聚效應” ,將中華民族五千年的文明發揚光大,不僅在經濟層面上,更重要的是在文化層面上參與國際競爭,為實現中華民族的偉大復興奠定堅實的經濟基礎和社會文化基礎。

As the emphasis of this paper , the third chapter focuses on how to build the chinese oil enterprises into giant oil companies to meet the market economy so and international competition . with adoption of comparison study method , this chapter studies the theories concerning the corporate strategic management and borrows experiences in managerial pattern and decision - making pattern from foreign oil giants . facing the increasingly intense competition and the rising demand for energy with large foreign oil companies access into the chinese oil market , it is necessary to boost the competitiveness of china ' s oil enterprises so that they can take advantage of the resources and market both at home and abroad and implement the wto - oriented development strategies , including integration strategy , diversification strategy , conglomeration strategy , internationalization strategy , petroleum price strategy , oil refining and distribution strategy , innovation strategy and corporate image strategy 作為本文的重點,在解決行業管理體制和企業內部運行機制的問題后,本文第三章根據企業戰略管理有關理論,運用比較研究的方法,在對國外大石油公司管理模式和戰略制定模式進行研究的前提下,以把中國石油企業打造成適應市場經濟和國際競爭的大石油公司為戰略出發點,面對國外大石油公司紛紛進入中國石油市場、競爭不斷加劇、能源需求不斷增加等挑戰,從培養中國石油企業核心競爭力的角度,以兩利用兩種資源、兩個市場為基礎,比較全面地提出了中國石油企業在加入wto后的發展戰略,主要包括:一體化戰略、多樣化戰略、集團化經營戰略、國際化經營戰略、石油價格戰略、石油煉制與銷售戰略、創新戰略和企業形象戰略。

China ' s convention - exhibition economy has stepped into the front stage of chinese social economical life . at the same time , the trend of china ' s convention - exhibition industry is presenting the characteristics of globalization , information , conglomeration , brand - recognition , professionalism , innovation , ecology - consciousness and diversification 中國會展經濟已經走向了中國社會經濟生活的前臺,同時,我國會展業也呈現出全球化、信息化、集團化、品牌化、專業化、創新化、生態化、多元化的趨勢。

On the other hand , the phenomenon which cac2o4 agglomerates in the self - assembly film of cs is observed by afm . the results show that liesegang loops can be formed from caca2o4 when the concentration of cs is just fit for forming reticulation ( 1 . 0g / l ) . the elementary explanation is presented in this study including electric charge conglomeration and the matching of geometry crystal lattice 用afm研究其形成的凝膠網絡結構,并涉及到這種高分子濃度以及金屬鈣離子對自組裝結構的影響,結果表明當cs濃度為1 . 2mg ml時, ca ~ ( 2 + )能很好的誘導cs自組裝膜的形成,這種自組裝結構會隨時間發生形態學改變,具有不穩定性。

At the same time , the new wave of merge and conglomeration emerged among international petroleum technical service companies . three biggest international well test companies actively broaden service area through the methods of merge , sharing holding and alliance , and increase the ability of market competition 同時,國際石油技術服務界也出現了新的購并浪潮,國際測試業三大公司,通過購并、控股、聯盟的方式紛紛擴展業務范圍,競相提高市場競爭力。

Subordinate are plagioclase granite dike , layered tonalite , tonalitic conglomeration dispersed in amphibolite , ultramafic rock and metabasalt etc . . plenty of igneous accumulated banding were discovered in amphibolite from nujinshan and bujing area some residual clinopyroxene also were found in a few of sample 超鎂鐵巖多為構造透鏡體分布于斷裂帶中,多蝕變為蛇紋石巖,在牛井山及布京一帶已發現并圈定了9個巖體(塊) 。

Causeway bay area sugar street , public place outside sogo , lockhart road between percival street and east point road , east point road , great george street , paterson street between great george street and yee wo street note : areas usually with conglomeration of illegal hawkers according to observation 銅鑼灣一帶糖街崇光對出的公眾地方駱克道介乎波斯富街與東角道東角道記利佐治街和百德新街介乎記利佐治街與怡和街

I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to the project manager of digital media centre , who have contributed their years of experience and knowledge to build this impressive conglomeration of hardware and software over a hard - working 12 months period 我期望本地的游戲企業和專才,能善用政府、數碼港和各業界支援組織提供的資源,把握機會發揮自己的優勢,在本地和海內外爭取更優越的市場地位。

This article points out that zhengzhou cantonal space structure should change from single - central , circling expanding to multi - central , separated conglomeration , forming tufty space structure pattern linked by information network , communication network and green belt 認為鄭州市區空間結構應改變以往單中心圈層擴展的發展模式,向多中心、分散組團式轉變,形成以信息網、交通網和綠化帶相互連接的簇團式空間結構模式。

8 . 1 - octadecanol also affects slightly the heat of micropcm phase transition , but it easily induces microcapsules with mf resin as the shell to occur conglomeration . for the microcapsules with about 9 % 1 - octadecanol in the core , their super - cooling can al 11 、加有環己烷的相變材料膠囊可以進行高溫熱處理,熱處理溫度應控制在160 ~ 180之間,熱處理時間為30 ~ 60min為宜,此時,膠囊產生預留膨脹空間,囊壁發生交聯。

The existence of urban agglomerations is characterized of regional urbanization and urban regionalization , which is the most advanced phenomenon in the process of regional urbanization , and moreover that is created by the interaction of conglomeration and diffusion 城市群的存在是區域城市化與城市區域化的重要表現,它作為區域城市化高級階段性現象,是集聚與擴散共同作用的產物。

On this background of economic globalization , the international competition will gradually develop to the competition of the urban agglomerations , which will be focused on the capabilities of economic resources conglomerations and integration 在這種經濟全球化背景下的國家間的競爭正演變為城市群間的競爭,而城市群經濟競爭力常常取決于城市群的經濟資源聚集與整合能力。

Part 1 : this paper depicts four aspects of the national spirit of china : enhancing international comprehensive power competition , coming into being good ethos , developing advanced culture and elevating national conglomeration power 文章從提高綜合國力、形成良好道德風尚、發展先進文化和增強民族凝聚力四個方面闡述在經濟全球化背景下弘揚和培育中華民族精神的重要性。

Because of innovations such as mixed management of financial business , development of financial conglomeration , entrance of foreign financial machineries and so on , china ' s separated supervision system is up against unprecedented challengers 業務交叉經營、金融集團化、外資金融機構涌入等多方面的發展與創新使我國金融分業監管體制面臨著前所未有的挑戰。

In another vision , i saw a dense conglomeration of extremely brilliant spots , exploding incessantly in all directions in the vast cosmos . my attainment is testimony to the truth behind the teachings of master ching hai 此外我還見過一個景象,看見空無一物的穹蒼中,有一些極光亮的小光點密度想必極大,此起彼落地朝四面八方爆裂開來。

During world war ii a special fighting unit is formed combining a crack canadian outfit and a conglomeration of us army misfits previously serving time in military jails 以二次大戰期間有名的第一特戰軍團的英勇事跡為藍本,描述由威廉荷頓飾演的陸軍中校使用嚴厲、殘忍的手段訓練他的兵團,企圖使他們成為令人敬畏且戰斗能力驚人的軍團。