
conglomerate adj.1.成球(狀)的;結成團塊的。2.由不同種類的各...


And it has remained independent even as many competitors have sought the shelter of conglomerates 它一直尋求獨立,甚至許多競爭對手的庇護報表

Contemporary theory of control of the west and the development of companies and conglomerater in china 當代西方規制理論和我國企業集團發展現狀

We support free market economics and are firmly against bias in favor of conglomerates 在經濟政策方面,我們支持市場經濟,但絕不偏袒企業。

He left them and joined a singapore entrepreneur to help him run his conglomerate 他離開惠普后,加盟了新加坡的企業,幫助創辦聯合公司。

Recently we busted a blueprint conglomerate that was set up just to skim isk off the top 最近我們破獲了一個利用藍圖來獲取isk的集團。

Chapter four : the research methods and overview about theory of conglomerates “ m & a 第四章:企業集團并購概述與研究方法。

Who is running this network ? you or some conglomerate called cca 到底這個公司誰管事兒你還是那個叫什么美國通訊公司的混球

Target confirmed : nakatomi conglomerate mercenaries . destroy the intruders 目標確認:是中臣財團的雇傭兵,消滅入侵者。

The network economy and centralized management of the conglomerate financial affairs 網絡環境下的企業集團財務集中管理

The means for a conglomerate to strengthen the implementation abilities of its affiliates 大企業如何提升分公司執行力

Huoyenshan conglomerate member 火炎山礫巖段

Conglomerates and public sector entities , corporate and institutional banking ?豐銀行有限公司企業銀行及金融機構

Identity confirmed : shinobi mercenaries employed by the nakatomi conglomerate 身份確認:中臣財團的忍者雇傭兵。

Surface movement wreck characteristic of mining under thick conglomerate 淺談巨厚礫巖層下開采時地表移動破壞特征

China steel group conglomerates 中國中鋼集團公司

Conglomerate financial statement 聯合企業財務報表

Jiuquan steel group conglomerates 酒泉鋼鐵集團公司

The seismic stratigraphic analysis of taowan conglomerate in luonan , shaanxi 陜西洛南陶灣礫巖地震機理新認識

An american conglomerate holds a major share in the company 一家美國的大聯合企業持有該公司的大部分股份。