
congeries n.〔sing., pl.〕 團集,聚集(體);堆積,堆...


Using templates is an important method to regulate and control the morphology and size of crystal . according to the characterization of templates and the ability of their domain limitation , template methods were divided into two parts , hard - template methods and soft - template methods . soft - template methods mainly included many kinds ordered congeries that composed by amphiphathic molecules , such as liquid crystal , colloid , microemulsion , vesicle , lb films , self - assemble films , and so on , the self - assemble structure of macromolecules and biomacromolecules was also included 模板法是對晶體的形貌和尺寸進行控制的一類重要的方法,根據模板自身的特點和限域能力的不同分為硬模板和軟模板,軟模板主要包括兩親分子形成的各種有序聚合物,如液晶、膠團、微乳狀液、囊泡、 lb膜、自組裝膜等,以及高分子的自組織結構和生物大分子等。

By using laser light scattering ( lls ) and scanning electron microscopy ( sem ) , the particle sizes of ultrafine silicon dioxide diminish and the congeries dispersibility were obviously improved , which shows that the hydrophobic property of ultrafine silicon dioxide after being modified has been much more strengthened , this surface modification provides wide market to reuse ultrafine silicon dioxide waste material 表明超細二氧化硅顆粒表面鍵合了疏水性有機分子鏈,蔬水性增強,達到了改性目的,為超細二氧化硅廢料的回收利用提供了廣闊的市場。

Further research of lithofacies pvove : lode country output points belongs to tidal - flat facies . and the two sides belong to littoral facies - estuarine facies . ore area petrochemistry analyse also prove : intraclast congeries silica rock in basin have higher cu , ag abundance than circumference pena . the prominence inhomogeneity of the cu distribution indicates reconstruct of the late construction 礦區內巖石化學測量也證明:盆地內發育的內碎屑堆積硅質巖比周圍巖石具有更高的cu 、 ag元素地球化學豐度值, cu元素分布的顯著不均一性,表明了后期構造的改造作用。

Ore area locate on , silver factory ditch - ancient tomb ditch in west branch river set lower bench , stratigraphic succession , rock assemblage are different with circumference . most is a set of intraclast congeries silica rock . in search of it , its distribution range in the silver factory ditch - ancient tomb ditch 礦區所在部位銀廠溝?古墓溝一帶,西岔河組下段地層中,地層層序、巖石組合特征與周邊地區存在明顯的差異。主要為一套內碎屑堆積的硅質巖。

Tribal system . - tribe a congeries of family groups , falling into divisions , clans , thums , etc . no connubium between members of same division ; connubium between all the divisions 部落體系? ?部落是家庭群體的結合體,下分為區、克蘭、薩姆等。同區的成員不能通婚;一切區之間均可通婚。

Through the search of bourn of intraclast congeries silica rock , its earth and west side all grow consortium robble 經對內碎屑堆積硅質巖的邊界研究發現,其東西兩側均發育有同生斷裂。

Crystallization behavior of single or pauci chain congeries of isotactic polystyrene 單鏈和寡鏈等規聚苯乙烯聚集體的結晶行為

Investigation to the congeries structure of super stretched wool 超拉伸細化羊毛聚集態結構的研究

He had inherited an organization, or rather a congeries of organizations . 他繼承了一個組織,或者不如說一大堆組織。