
congeniality n.思想感情相同,趣味相同,意氣相投;適意,合適。


This text passes to many single items , concrete of , not the engineering item of the congeniality manage a project , taking the electric power resources as group leader to pass by iterative excellent turn , fold to add to draw up a study that combines an item implement project with integration , investigate the combination type item a management theories and it constucts the application in the engineering in the electric power 本文通過對多個單項、具體的、不同性質的工程項目管理方案,以電力資源為龍頭經過反復的優化、疊加和整合制定出一個組合型項目實施方案的探討,探索組合型項目管理理論及其在電力建設工程中的應用。

His heroes are invariably arrogant , proud , unrestrained and bloodily violent , with no regards for the confucian , taoist and buddhist conducts of congeniality , gentleness and modesty . with the rise of chang cheh , chinese cinema for the first time experienced a surge of the aesthetics of violence 張徹則完全貫徹男性陽剛,他的英雄往往狂傲奔放,而且搏殺得血腥暴力,打破中國文化傳統儒道佛崇尚和平溫文謙厚的主流戒律。

There was a reviving pleasure in this intercourse , of a kind now tasted by me for the first time - the pleasure arising from perfect congeniality of tastes , sentiments , and principles 在這些交往中,有一種令人振奮的愉悅一在我還是第一次體會到一這種愉悅產生于趣味情調和原則的融洽。

With the increasing demand for congeniality of product , as an important part of congeniality of product , the sound quality of product has been paid great attention to 隨著人們對產品舒適性追求的增長,作為舒適性一個重要方面的產品聲質量越來越受到人們的關注。

Or to see their breakfast poking out of their mini skirts when they arrive at an important premiere to such ground breaking films as miss congeniality 2 或者看她們的早餐落到她們的迷你裙上,當抵達一個重要的諸如“選美小姐2 “這樣轟動的電影首映式時。

Miss china is the front - runner for the miss congeniality award . she is lovely , and could also be a semi - finalist 那位墨西哥記者還說中國小姐是“最佳人緣獎”的有力候選者,寧寧很可愛也很有可能進圈入圍半決賽!

Where ' s miss congeniality 志趣相投女士哪兒去了

You ' re that miss congeniality lady 你就是那個美國小姐

From misdemeanors to miss congeniality 從探員到美國小姐

? ? from misdemeanors to miss congeniality 從探員到美國小姐

“ and in what manner has this congeniality of mind been evinced ? “那是怎樣產生的? ”