
congenial adj.1.同性質的,性格相似的,意氣相投的,思想感情相...


There is something in this , although eurosceptics counter that britain has been promised leadership of a congenial , free - trade club before , only to be let down 但是無論是支持者還是反對者都無法回避另一個更簡單的事實。

Pong : he is direct . he is a very happy guy who is always joking around and laughing . he is very congenial and warm - hearted 乓:他很直率。他是一個快樂的小伙子,而且總是愛開玩笑、總是面帶笑容。他還是一個好交際的熱心人。

If a woman quarrel with her husband , and say : “ you are not congenial to me , “ the reasons for her prejudice must be presented 如果一個女人與她的丈夫爭吵,并且說: “你跟我是不同類的, “必須提供她的偏見原因。

No fuss was made in my day if a new writer took from an old one whatever material he found congenial 在我那個時代,如果一個新作家從一個老作家的作品中摘取了他能用的合適材料,并不受到反對。

Many people were also attracted by masters beautiful photos and by the fellow initiates congenial manner 許多人都被師父漂亮的法相所吸引,同修們親切和藹的態度,也讓他們感到賓至如歸。

From the beginning , the passive - congenial marriage has been a passive relationship with little expectation for anything else 它從一開始就是一種被動的關系, (對婚姻)并沒有什么期待。

The congenial surroundings with cultural displays and books are geared to making learning english stress - free and pleasant 文物與書籍陳列于賞心悅目的氛圍,讓學生放松心情學習英語。

We endeavour to build a clean and green campus congenial to the fulfillment of the purposes of the university 努力建設一個青蔥整潔的校園,使員生能在愜意的環境之中履行大學使命;

She turns her shoulder to charles and walks past him to the more congenial neighbourhood of dunois and la hire 她轉過身去,從查理身邊走過,來到比較意氣相投的杜諾瓦和拉?海當中。

She detected unguessed finenesses in him that seemed to bud , day by day , like flowers in congenial soil 她發現他身上出現了意想不到的優點,像花朵在適宜的土壤里一天天成熟綻放。

You ' ll be working with many congenial people , and i ' m sure you ' ll find them capable and cooperative 您將與許多志趣相投的同行一道工作。我相信,您會發現他們很能干,而且很合作。

I know new friends , and a congenial delight will have to talk on a friend ; readers love and co - life 我認識新朋友,一個情趣相投,能聊得來,就做朋友;有緣相愛,就攜手人生。

“ our business is ideas . they grow and flourish best in an atmosphere of congenial collaboration 我們的行業,就是創意。創意在氣味相投的氣氛中,最能成長茁壯。

Such arrangements are seen as the key to building intimate , interactive and congenial college communities 這些安排都是親切融洽、多姿多采的書院生活所必需的。

Emma woodhouse is a congenial young lady who delights in meddling in other people ' s affairs 艾瑪?伍德豪斯是在在另外的人的事情干涉高興的一位同族的年輕女士。

Our business is ideas . they grow and flourish best in an atmosphere of congenial collaboration 我們的行業,就是創意。創意在氣味相投的氣氛中,最能茁壯成長。

The congenial singer ' s laid back demeanor is at odds with his current wired state 他愜意地靠在沙發靠背上的姿勢與他目前這種興奮的狀態不怎么一致。

Some couples become passive - congenial by default , others by intention 有的家庭是因為夫妻疏于顧家而成為消極和睦型,還有的則是出于有意。

Be straight - forward , respectful , direct and congenial , but not overly familiar 一定要直率、有理、有涵養,但是不要做作。