
congeneric adj.同源[種、屬、類]的。


These diagnosis ways based on knowledge treatment greatly exert the characteristic of the knowledge on malfunctions of engines accumulated by the experts in the field ( i . e . engineers on ship ) , and great storage and fast speed of computer . thus , intelligent diagnosis on malfunctions are realized , and great leap has been made on the intelligence system compared with the present congeneric systems 這些基于知識處理的診斷方法,充分發揮領域專家(船上即輪機員)對日常輪機常見故障的知識積累和計算機快速大存儲的特點,實現了故障的智能化診斷,使智能型系統比現有同類系統有明顯的進步。

Other congeneric softwares always recognise the key points totally by users , for instance , users have to point out the key points in a given order in apas , and can not modify the worked images . while , in engine - system , users have to point out one key point in every image , and then another point , until all the key points are pointed out . a user who used the software told us , it would spend many hours to point out all the key points of motion images of standing long jump 國內外同類軟件基本上采用的是人工點取關節點,如:艾里爾運動生物力學分析系統需要按照特定順序來點取,并且對點取完的圖片不可返回修改;愛捷運動圖像圖形測量分析儀則需要人工一次性對所有圖片先點取某一關節點,然后再對所有圖片點耿下一關節點,以此類推,直至點完所有關節點。

By in - depth research of image texture and its application in multispectral image fusion , significant central coefficient ( scc ) algorithm based on redundant wavelet texture is proposed and its performance is tested to be also superior to the congeneric algorithms in the way of enhancing fusion quality 通過對圖象紋理及其在多光譜圖象融合中作用的深入研究,作者又提出了一種基于冗余小波紋理特征的重要中心系數( scc )融合算法,通過與其它同類融合算法結果的比較證明了該算法在提高融合結果質量上的先進性。

According to the the regression analysis on the bloting and shotcreting roadways of henan pingmei group , the regression equation on the degree that absolute grade and area of roadway influence coefficient of frictional resistance is built in the paper . the notable character test of the regression equation is completed . at last , the degree that absolute grade and area of roadway influence coefficient of frictional resistance is discussed and summed up . the practical and guiding sense in choosing coefficient of frictional resistance of congeneric roadways is given in the paper 通過對平煤集團大量的錨噴巷道的回歸分析,建立了巷道壁面絕對粗糙度和巷道斷面積對摩擦阻力系數影響程度的回歸方程,并對回歸方程作了顯著性檢驗,最后對巷道粗糙程度和斷面積對錨噴巷道摩擦阻力系數的影響程度進行了討論和總結,對同類巷道摩擦阻力系數的選取具有實踐指導意義。

From the process for reaching and operating transaction , this study tries to analyze the principle of common selection among the pertaining transaction parties , the function of this principle on transaction , and make of transaction “ relation ” and “ net ” . there are three major issues on common selection , 1 ) the common selection between the pertaining parties ( buyer and seller ) , the target is to sign the contract ; 2 ) internal adjustment of the participants , such as team organizing , internal structural adjustment , meeting the requirement of market competition and marketing strategy , etc . ; 3 ) common selection among the congeneric competitors , like competition coordination system , custom or regulation , 交易中的共同選擇包括三個主要方面,即1 )有關交易當事人(如賣方與買方)為實現交易,確定契約條件并簽立契約的共同選擇,以契約形成為標志; 2 )各交易當事人為實現交易進行的相關選擇,如交易當事人團隊內部組織、內部結構調整、對市場環境的適應和市場策略的制定等;以及3 )同類交易當事人的共同選擇,如維持競爭秩序的同業慣例、建立保證質量并降低交易費用的基本標準系統等,是對外界環境的影響與調整。

Comparative studies on the physioecological traits of photosynthesis , transpiration and stomatal conductance in four congeneric species , mosla hangchowensis ( m . h ) , mosla scabra ( m . s mosla chimnsis ( me ) and mosla dianthera ( m . d ) were investigated under controlled soil water status in this paper 本研究通過對控制土壤水分條件下杭州石薺? ( moslahangchowensis ) 、石薺? ( moslascabra ) 、華薺? ( moslachinesis )和小魚仙草( mosladianthera )四個同屬近緣物種的光合、蒸騰和氣孔等生理生態特性的研究,分析了它們對變化的環境產生的功能可塑性變化,解釋了在進化過程中這些近緣物種從瀕危到廣布的差異。

Abstract : in the research of internal combustion engine , recordingin - cylinder pressure and temperature is an essential technique to study the thermal cycle of internal combustion engine . the combustion analyzer developed in this study will give both the measurements at sampling points per crank angle or sampling cycle , calculate and show the real time parameters which decide the working process of internal combustion engine , such as pressure accelerating rate , indicateed mean effective pressure , cycle - to - cycle variation , heat release rate , etc . compared with the imported congeneric products , the analyzer has many advantages such as chinese interface , low price , easy operateing , convenience in maintainance and easy upgrading 文摘:為了測錄內燃機缸內的壓力及溫度,開發了一種內燃機燃燒分析儀.該分析儀由國產高速數據采集卡及自行開發的控制軟件組成.它不僅能精確設置每度曲軸轉角內采樣點的個數和采集循環數,而且在采集過程中能實時計算和表征內燃機工作過程的壓力升高率、平均指示壓力、循環變動率、放熱率等參數.經實際使用以及與國外產品相比表明,此分析儀具有全中文界面、價格低、操作簡單、使用維護方便、功能便于擴充等優點

On - line cip51 , which is a new - style single - chip microcomputer , applied to temperature control system of roll for synthetic fiber and rayon fabrics . in many aspects , such as data transaction , stability and anti - jamming , cip51 has great advantage to congeneric single - chip microcomputer 將c8051f020單片機用于紡織化纖行業熱牽仲輥的溫度控制系統,現場實用表明,在數據處理能力、工作穩定性和抗干擾等方面與同類單片機相比具有明顯的優越性。

And the characteristics of each algorithm are analyzed theoretically . according to this analysis , a new pixel - level fusion algorithm based on the activity and similarity of source images is proposed and its performance is tested to be superior to the congeneric algorithms 在以上分析的基礎之上,作者提出了一種基于源圖象活躍度和相似度的像素級融合算法,經過實驗比較證明該算法的融合結果質量較同類算法有大幅度的提高。

The authors analyze and select landslide parameters by using back analysis method , and consult with the congeneric landslide to determine this landslide parameters , which can offers reference to design and construction department 用反分析方法對水井坪滑坡參數進行分析選擇,并參照同類滑坡確定該滑坡的參數,為設計和施工單位提供依據。

Investigation and inspection results acquired not only reflect the real working conditions of hoop - stove chimney but also provide systemic project material to study and design of the congeneric chimney 論文研究中獲得的調查檢測結果不僅準確反映了環形爐煙囪實際的使用狀況,而且為同類煙囪的研究和設計提供了系統的工程資料。

The viscous damping material developed in the paper can be compared to the international congeneric production in the performances and can be used in practical engineering 所開發的粘滯阻尼材料,在性能上與國際同類產品相近,可應用于實際工程中。

Study of adaptive weighted estimate algorithm of congeneric multi - sensor data fusion 同類多傳感器自適應加權估計的數據級融合算法研究

A new algorithm for data fusion of un - congeneric sensors 異類傳感器數據融合的一種新算法

Congeneric species will have the most similar resource requirments . 同源物種對資源的要求最相似。