
congener n.1.同屬的動植物。2.同一種類的人[東西]。


This new scheme not only solves the problem that qcx scheme has not the property of strong identifiablity through introducing the set asi in the threshold prcxy signature but also overcomes the security leaks such as collusion attack , the original forgeable attack in the congener schemes 該方案通過在門限代理簽名中引入實際參與簽名的t個代理簽名人的身份標志集合,解決了原有方案中門限代理簽名方案中不具備強可識別性的問題;并利用雙線性對的優點,克服了同類方案中存在的不能抵抗聯合攻擊和原始簽名人偽造攻擊等安全漏洞。

Based on the results of machine test and feedback of customer , the r & d of machine may solve above problems . the main technology indexes may be fulfilled , such as amount of holes drilled per minute and precision of hole . compared with congener machine made in china , this machine has the advantages of higher efficiency , higher precision , lower power dissipation and lower cost 從該機的制造和調試以及客戶的使用反饋來看,確認本課題較好的解決了上述幾個問題,所設計的機器主要性能指標如每分鐘鉆孔數達到70 80個,鉆孔精度達到0 . 02mm ,通過與國內同類機器相比具有高效率、高精度、低功耗、低成本等顯著優點,彌補了現行pcb加工的不足。

The content of form of business accounting of summary table of proof of program content charge to an account includes 8 fields commonly : ( 1 ) the work out of primitive proof collect of business of will congener economy becomes pool primitive proof ; ( 2 ) according to primitive proof or collect primitive proof weaves proof of charge to an account ; ( 3 ) according to proof of charge to an account medium gathering proof is mixed pay journal of cash of do as you wish and bank deposit journal ; ( 4 ) the basis is original proof , swing total primitive proof and proof of charge to an account to register concerned detail to classify zhang ; ( 5 ) register total classification zhang according to summary table of all sorts of proof of charge to an account ; ( 7 ) be the same as journal and detail classification total classification zhang to undertake checking regularly ; ( 8 ) fixed basis total classification and forms for reporting statistics of accountant of work out of detail classification zhang 程序內容記賬憑證匯總表核算形式的內容一般包括八個方面: ( 1 )將同類經濟業務的原始憑證匯總編制成匯總原始憑證; ( 2 )根據原始憑證或匯總原始憑證編制記賬憑證; ( 3 )根據記賬憑證中的收款憑證和付款請便現金日記賬和銀行存款日記賬; ( 4 )根據原始憑證、蕩總原始憑證和記賬憑證登記有關的明細分類賬; ( 5 )根據各種記賬憑證匯總表登記總分類賬; ( 7 )定期將日記賬和明細分類同總分類賬進行核對; ( 8 )定期根據總分類和明細分類賬編制會計報表。

Fourthly , compared with calculate results for typical section of a culvert soft - base reinforcement project in the water way to sea of huaihe river engineering by the plane strain fem based on biot consolidation theory , measured data and simple calculation result , the simple calculation method proposed in this paper is proved to be reasonable and verified , and is more referenced by congener project ( )采用平面應變比奧固結有限元法對淮河入海水道某涵閘軟基加固工程進行了數值計算,通過對比數值計算結果、實測值及簡化方法計算結果,證明了本文提出的沉降計算簡化方法的正確性和適用性,所得結論對于同類工程具有一定的參考價值。

From the results of theoretical analysis and data simulation , it can be concluded that these two new algorithms excel the existing congener algorithms by higher precision and stronger robustness , and also excel the synchronous algorithm with gps for some range of the error of measured voltages and currents 理論分析和仿真表明,新算法具有較強的魯棒性,其測距綜合性能指標明顯高于現有同類工頻雙端測距算法;在一定的雙端(或多端)電壓、電流測量誤差范圍內,也優于gps同步雙端測距算法。

The university still sets professional field , the major such as engineering of functional art , art , medicine , human body and applied science department sets course of expert degree , master ' s degree , can offer the congener and professional bachelor ' s degree that accepted university awards those hold international , the student that obtains favorable result in its degree study chooses to learn 大學還設有專業領域,實用藝術、美術、醫學、人體工程學及應用理科等專業都設有專家學位、碩士學位課程,可提供那些持有國際公認大學授予的同類專業學士學位,并在其學位學習中取得良好成績的學生選擇學習。

In 2005 , 61 physical and chemical parameters were measured and analysed in sediments . these included particle size , electrochemical potential as highly anoxic sediment with negative potential is related to organic pollution , chemical oxygen demand which indicates organic pollutants , total sulphide inorganic constituents , source of the unpleasant - smelling gas hydrogen sulphide , 15 metals and metalloids aluminium , arsenic , barium , boron , cadmium , chromium , copper , iron , lead , manganese , mercury , nickel , silver , vanadium and zinc , and trace toxic organics pahs and pcbs - 16 compounds and 18 congeners respectively 2005年,沉積物監測包括分析61種物理及化學參數,其中有粒子大小電化學勢有機污染促使沉積物缺氧,而讓電化學勢呈負數值化學需氧量顯示有機污染程度總硫化物無機物,是造成難聞氣體硫化氫的主因15種金屬及準金屬鋁砷鋇硼鎘鉻銅鐵鉛錳汞鎳銀釩及鋅和痕量毒性有機物多環芳烴及多氯聯苯分別為16種復合物及18種同質物。

In 1985 the beginning of the company to exploit the first era fluorine plastic magnetic force pumps in domestic , to be ameliorate for 20 years by wolong - persons , the capability and reliability have already attained advanced level of congener product in world , own very lofty market share , widely used to transport caustic liquid like acid alkali strong oxidant etc 公司1985成立之初開發的國內第一代氟塑料磁力泵,歷經臥人20年的不斷改進,性能和可靠性已達到世界同類產品的先進水平,具有很高的市場占有率,廣泛適用于輸送任意濃度的酸堿強氧化劑等腐蝕性清液。

The stuff ' s equity feeling is the main factor that influences their activity . equity comes from the comparison of the two sides : one comes from the salary compared with the congener post outer ; another important side comes from inner . the inner equity is that the employees feel the equity after they compared with other ' s salary whom in the same company 員工的公平感是影響員工積極性的主要因素,公平感來自與兩方面的比較:一方面來自于與外部市場上同類職位薪酬水平相比較的結果;另一方面內部的公平也很重要,所謂內部的公平就是任職者將自己的薪酬與組織中其他人的薪酬水平進行比較時所感受到的公平。

Both sides is in when signing a contract , have definite agreement to product quality , should from the agreement , if you can prove you had achieved the quality requirement that the contract agrees , nature can sue each other because of break a contact ; if do not have an agreement to perhaps agree ambiguous , allow impossibly also to open a condition by chaos of the other side , the product that wants you to be able to prove you are produced only perhaps accords with the quality requirement of congener product inside travel without quality problem , can ask its receive goods to pay , and compensate for give you the loss that cause because of its 雙方在簽訂合同時,對產品質量有明確約定的,應該從約定,假如你能夠證實自己已經達到合同約定的質量要求,自然可以以違約為由起訴對方;假如沒有約定或者約定不明確,也不可能任由對方亂開條件,只要你能證實自己生產的產品沒有質量問題或者符合行內同類產品的質量要求,就可以要求其收貨付款,并且賠償因其延遲收貨而給你造成的損失。

It is also an endangered plant that is distributed only in china . five populations of d . versipelis were sampled from both the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river valley for conservation study . d . pleiantha , a congener of d . versipelis , was used as the outgroup for this study 本研究從長江中下游選取了5個八角蓮居群和1個六角蓮居群,以六角蓮為外類群,從保護生物學的角度,對八角蓮開展了生物學特性,形態學和遺傳多樣性等方面的研究工作。

The system has been tested and ameliorated times . its capability is steady and the data is credible by comparing some international congener instruments , it exceeds foreign congener instrument on some targets . the system is opening and extensible 儀器經過不斷測試和改進,經過和國際上同類的測量系統對比實驗,性能穩定,數據可靠,在某些指標上甚至優于國外同類的測量系統,并且系統具有很高開放性和擴展空間,發展前景廣闊。

Methods of test for petroleum and its products - petroleum products and used oils - determination of pcbs and related products - separation and determination of selected pcb congeners by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector 石油及其制品試驗方法.石油產品和用過的油. pcbs及相關產品的測定.通過帶電子俘獲探測器的氣相色譜法分離和測定選定的pcb同種類物

After analyzing the features of domestic and abroad congener , i design and implement a mobile communication device including full ppp , upper tcp / ip , data - transport function and routing function 本課題在分析了國內外同類嵌入式通信產品的特征以后,設計并實現了一個包含完整的ppp協議及上層tcp / ip協議,具有無線數據傳輸功能和無線路由功能的嵌入式移動通信設備。

Except for the area near the haibo river mouth , the relative contributions of individual 2 , 3 , 7 , 8 - substituted congeners at each station were similar , the lower chlorinated congeners dominated over the higher chlorinated pcdd / fs 除河口處外, pcdd / fs同系物分布基本上相同,即低氯代pcdd / fs占主導。 pcdd / fs總量的垂直變化趨勢是從1951年到現在逐漸增大。

Abstract : as entering china for more than a decade , the foreign retail corporations are more advantageous than the chinese congeners in term of purchase cost , operation ability , capital control and brand assets 摘要:進入中國市場十多年來的實踐表明,外資零售企業與中國企業相比,在采購成本、經營能力、資金掌控和品牌資產上具有相當強的競爭優勢。

The scheme is then used to perform a mini sized prototypical mems piezoelectric micro - motor system . the prototypical motor dimension reaches 3mm that is the smallest motor between the corresponding period and congener 應用上述研究結果,研制了微機械壓電微電機原型機系統,電機總體尺寸達到3mm * 5mm ,在同期同類電機中總體尺寸最小。

Congener concept was introduced into the lattice union algorithm , which was used to update each child node in less time according to the order relation of the concepts 摘要提出了同類概念的觀點,在格的合并算法中通過利用同域概念格之間的同類概念和概念的父子關系實現對其所有子節點的快速更新,以提高概念格橫向合并算法的時間效率。

Petroleum products and used oils - determination of pcbs and related products - part 1 : separation and determination of selected pcb congeners by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector ; german version en 12766 - 1 : 2000 石油產品和用過的油.多氯聯苯和相關產品的測定.第1部