
congee n.,vi.〔古語〕辭行,告別;行告別禮[鞠躬]。


Matching up with last night ' s dinner , breakfast was light and delightful . we had congee and a myriad of pickled vegetables and fruits . . . and it was just right 和豐盛的晚餐比起來,第二天的早餐算是清淡的。我們有稀飯和各式各樣不同的泡菜和腌水果佐餐,感覺恰到好處。

Eat slowly and chew thoroughly . select softer foods such as congee , noodles in soup , crackers in fluid or soup , fish , tofu , steamed eggs , ground meat , peeled fruit , etc 選擇柔軟和潤滑之食物,如粥湯粉或面浸于飲品或湯之餅乾魚豆腐蒸水蛋碎肉去皮之水果等。

Soft breads , cakes , biscuits well - moistened in milk , soup or juice , congee , oatmeal , soft rice . boneless and skinless meats like diced or minced meats , flaked fish , steamed egg pudding 軟身的面包、蛋糕、浸軟的餅乾、粉面、粥、麥皮、軟而較濕的飯等。

Master was disappointed . “ i wanted to have a chinese - style breakfast , and was wondering whether you would bring me some congee . anyhow , you didn t . 師父有點失望地說:我正想要吃點中國風味的早餐,心想不知道你們會不會幫我送稀飯來,沒想到都沒有。

Our mainly products including jelly , beverage , mixed congee and other foods , they sell well to all provinces and cities of china and southeast asia countries 主要產品有果凍、飲料、八寶粥及各類藥食同源食品,暢銷全國各省市及東南亞各國。

Adequate food and drinks consume hot and easily digestible food and beverage with higher calories , like hot milk , soup , congee , noodles and rice 多飲用及進食熱量較高和容易消化的熱飲品和熱的食物,如熱奶、熱湯、粥、粉、面和飯等。

Visitors should take the opportunity to stop in at the yunghsing seafood restaurant for a bowl of their seafood congee , made from the finest ingredients 從東港南下墾丁,路過林邊,游客不妨到永興海鮮飯店來一碗滿是上等材料的海產粥。

Put the boned fish meat and diced preserved turnip into the congee . bring to the boil . add seasoning , diced spring onion and shredded head lettuce . serve 將拆好之魚肉和大頭菜粒倒入粥內,待再滾起,即可下調味料、 ? b粒及生菜絲進食。

Eat much food less , have the thing of some of fluidity , had better eat congee . strengthen nutrition , had better give priority to with soup of pork chop bone 少食多餐,吃些流質的東西,最好吃稀飯。加強營養,最好以豬排骨湯為主。

Adequate food and drinks consume hot and easily digestible food and beverage with higher calories , like hot milk , soup , congee , noodles and rice 多飲用及進食熱量較高和容易消化的熱飲品和熱的食物,如熱奶熱湯粥粉面和飯等。

Also , adding shredded lettuce in congee can increase our vegetable intake and give us more fibre and sense of fullness . fried noodles with soy sauce 此外,在粥里加生菜絲能助我們進食更多蔬菜,并能增加纖維的攝取量及飽肚感。

Arie is enjoying his breakfast . but he seems not to be interested in the black rice congee . laozhang tries to persuade him to have some , but he doesn ' t 阿里吃得很香甜。但是,他對黑米粥并不感興趣,老張勸他喝點兒,但他沒動。

Food can help in keeping warm . choose hot food with high calories e . g . easily digestible food like congee and rice noodles 在冬天,身體需要的熱量較多,老人家須進食熱量豐富的食物,而且要趁熱吃,以保持體溫。

So i just eat the toast with that , and then , top it with congee , that is , rice soup , and the diarrhea stops immediately 所以吃了抹上黑胡椒醬油的烤土司,然后再喝一些稀飯,也就是白米粥,立刻就不拉肚子了。

Try to mix fibre bits with porridge , milk , yogurt , cake , salad and congee for a delicious and healthy meal 加上可口的麥味,更可混合其他食品,如麥皮、鮮奶、乳酪、蛋糕、沙律、粥等食用,方便味美。

Try to maintain a reasonable weight . eat appropriate amounts of starch in the form of rice , noodles , congee , bread , and potatoes 吃適量淀粉質食物,如粥、粉、面、飯、面包、薯仔等。

“ things are often unnecessary when the timing is not right . even if you bring the congee tomorrow , i may not want it then . 有的事錯過了時機,就不要了,就算明天拿來,我也不想吃了。

Choose moist food such as congee , mashed gourd or steamed egg pudding . ( western food like mashed potato , baked beans , meat stew , etc . , ) 選吃較濕潤的食物如粥、瓜蓉、蒸水蛋等。

Once there was a boy and a girl , boys to girls that if i had a night of congee , i will give you half 從前有一個男孩和一個女孩,男孩對女孩說如果我有一晚粥,我會把其中一半給你。