
congeal vi.,vt.(使)凍結,(使)凝結。 Fear con...


The air thermal cnergy water heater creates the new generation hot water cquipments . it makes use of the negative card promise successfully , drieing a hot pump with the elcctrie power . equiping through a hot pump medium of compesing parts evaporate a machine . hot pump , congealed machine and inflate valve , urge the work quality completes evaporationt absorb calories within air continuously compress compress congealed reduce expenses evaporate of the thermody name energy cirenlation proess , transfer the calories in the environment to the water thus in , transfer the in great quantities free calories in the air to the life to use a water in 空氣節能熱水器是創新一代熱水設備,它成功地運用逆卡諾原理,用電能驅動熱泵,通過熱泵裝置中的構成部件-蒸發器,熱泵,冷凝器和膨脹閥,促使工質不斷完成蒸發(吸收空氣中的熱量)壓縮冷凝節流蒸發的熱力循環過程,從而環境的熱量轉移到水中,將空氣中大量免費的熱量轉移到生活中水中

The proportions and performances of plastic concrete of some cut - off walls at home and abroad , the proportion of self - congealing slurry used in the cut - off wall of third stage cofferdam of three gorges project , mechanics properties of expansive soil slurry and harden clay mortar , and proportions of hardened slurry are introduced 列舉了國內外部分防滲墻工程塑性混凝土基本配合比及性能參數;國內自主研發的自凝灰漿墻體材料及應用于三峽工程三期圍堰防滲墻的配合比;固化灰粘土漿、膨潤土漿的物理力學性能及固化灰漿采用不同制攪方法時的配合比。

The microcrystalline was same to the direction of electric field . the microcrystalline orientation of the film that was obtained by melting pvdf congealing in the effect of electric field changed along electric field obviously . comparing with the film congealing without electric field their crystalline plate become thick 發現pvdf纖維在電場作用下微觀結構變化較大,極化后微晶取向發生較大變化,極化以后微晶變化為沿電場方向取向的厚片狀,熔融態的pvdf在電場作用下凝固時變化更明顯,與不加電場直接凝固的pvdf膜相比,在電場作用下幾乎所有的分子鏈都沿電場方向取向所以出現有序的片晶結構,而且結構致密。

Abstract : it is proposed that the sturdiness of silicic acid congealed gel is a key factor to make the reaction of producing “ “ lead trees ” successful . the better conditions of preparing silicic acid congealed gel are detemined . the success rate of this oxidation - reduction equilibrium is raised by 90 % 文摘:提出了生成“鉛樹”反應成功的關鍵是硅酸凝膠的堅固性,找到了較好的硅酸凝膠的制備條件,使該氧化還原平衡移動的反應成功率提高了90以上

In this paper , the performance , application and composition about plastic concrete , self - congealing mortar and hardened slurry are analysed on the basis of summarizing type , characteristic and developing course of cut - off wall ' s material in water conservancy project 摘要在總結我國水利工程防滲墻墻體材料類型、特點和發展歷程的基礎上,著重對塑性混凝土、自凝灰漿和固灰漿等柔性墻體材料的組成、性能指標和應用情況做了比較科學的分析和探討。

Gathering my mantle about me , and sheltering my hands in my muff , i did not feel the cold , though it froze keenly ; as was attested by a sheet of ice covering the causeway , where a little brooklet , now congealed , had overflowed after a rapid thaw some days since 我用斗篷把自己緊緊裹住,把手捂在皮手筒里,所以盡管天寒地凍,卻并不覺得很冷。幾天前已經融化泛濫的小河,現在又凍結起來。堤壩上結了一層薄冰,這是寒冷的明證。

From cultural perspective , liu xie ' s point about stylistics originated from philological concept and congealed in a linguistic structure via progressively the links such as civilization , rhetoric , literary logic , style , poetic style , and historical style 從文化角度看,劉勰的文體學思想起始于文觀念,中經文明、文飾、文道、文體、詩體、史體等環節,并最終凝定于語言結構。

“ the jade body , like the congealed fat , accumulate inside with nothing left , the quality is thick and temperate and moist with zhengdong jade , the pulse is paid attention to hard and densly , , sound is loud and clear “ 清代陳勝玉記所載:和闐玉“玉體如凝脂,精光內蘊,質厚溫潤,脈理堅密,聲音洪亮” 。

Notice that they are all five - sided more or less . and notice , from a distance as you start your hike , how geological movements as the basaltic magma congealed have produced a wall of bent basalt columns 向前走,你不妨留意遠處一堵高聳的巖柱墻,一條條的巖柱因巖漿凝固時遇地殼移動,都呈現了扭曲的形狀。

According to this new theory , only the effective labor congealed in goods is the real source of value . in commodity society , the efficiency of labor is rooted in coordination between labors , 為此,我們提出了有效勞動價值說這一新見解,該理論認為,只有凝結在商品中的有效勞動才是價值的真正源泉。

Put the garment in cold water with washing powder and rub it . as protein is the main component in blood , which will congeal in higher temperature , do not use hot water to soak and wash garments with bloodstains 用凍水加洗衣粉搓擦,由于血液主要成份是蛋白質,遇熱即會凝固,因此勿用熱水浸洗。

The deviant version congeals into a reality in its own right , which , by its existence within the society , challenges the reality status of the symbolic universe as originally constituted 偏差形式以它自身的權利進入實在,并藉由它的社會存在,挑戰社會上原先于它被建構出的象徵共同體的地位。

The sanitary napkin with high effective gel layer can congeal the infiltrating liquid to jelly , not flow back after pressing , and you won ' t feel sticky on the surface 內含高效膠化層的衛生巾,可把滲入的液體凝結成?喱狀,受壓后不回滲,表面沒有粘乎乎的感覺。

Our heritage must be congealed into a distinct singapore identity with such core values as meritocracy , tolerance and consensus - developing 我們的傳統必須凝聚成為新加坡人獨有的特性,并具有任人唯賢、互相容忍和建立共識的核心價值觀。

We went back to mildred and zeb ' s house for a heaping sunday dinner of ham , peas , congealed salad and lots of iced tea 再后來,我們回到米爾德里德和西勃的住處,吃著大盤大盤的星期日大餐,有火腿、豌豆、冷凝沙拉還有大量的冰茶。

I think the materials in a spicy hot pot are delicious , such as cabbage , congealed duck blood , pork meatballs , and mushrooms , etc 我覺得麻辣火鍋用的食材還蠻好吃的,像卷心菜、鴨血豆腐,還有肉丸和香菇等。

I think the materials in a spicy hot pot are delicious , such as cabbage , congealed duck blood , pork meatballs , and mushrooms , etc 我覺得麻辣火鍋用的食材還蠻好吃的,像高麗菜、鴨血,還有貢丸和香菇等。

Besides , i was out of practice in talking to him : his reserve was again frozen over , and my frankness was congealed beneath it 此外,我已疏于同他交談,他的冷漠態度再次結凍,我的坦率便在底下凝固了。

Another ancient writer , nicias , said that amber was the juice or essence of the setting sun congealed in the sea and cast up on the shore 說:琥珀是凝結在海面上夕陽的汁液,被投擲在海岸邊。