
confute vt.1.駁倒。2.〔舊用〕糟蹋。


The voices of those who urged delay , and counselled waiting for something and not advancing , had been so unanimously drowned and their arguments had been confuted by such indubitable proofs of the advantages of advancing , that what had been discussed at the council , the future battle and the victory certain to follow it , seemed no longer future but past 一些行動遲慢的人員建議等待時機,暫不發動進攻,他們的呼聲被人們異口同聲地壓住了,他們的論據已被進攻有利的無容置疑的證據所駁斥,會議上談論的行將發生的戰斗,無可置疑的凱旋,似乎不是未來的事,而是已經逝去的往事。

He raised the question into the loftiest region of metaphysics , passed to definitions of space , of time , and of thought , and carrying off arguments to confute his opponent , descended again to the plane of the original discussion 他把這一問題提到形而上學的高度,給空間時間思想下定義,從那里得出駁斥的論據,然后從上而下,又回到爭論的范疇。

However , it gave him so high an opinion of my abilities in the confuting way , that he seriously proposed my being his colleague in a project he had of setting up a new sect 無論如何這使他對于我的說服人的方法極為贊賞,他正在建立一種宗教派別,極力要我成為同志。

Read not to contradict and confute , nor to believe and take for granted , nor to find talk and discourse , but to weigh and consider 讀書的目的不應是為了反對和駁倒對方,不應是為了深信不疑,也不應是為了尋找談話資料和詞藻,而應是為了權衡和考慮。

Read nor to contradict and confute , nor to believe and take for granted , nor to find talk and discourse , but to weigh and consider 讀書不是為了駁倒什么,不是為了相信或是信任什么,也不是為了找聊天的資本,只是為了去權衡利弊和思考

Francis bacon : read not to contradict and confute , not to believe and take for granted , nor to find talk and discourse , let to weigh and consider 培根:讀書時不可存心詰難作者,不可盡信書中之言,亦不可段章取義,而應推敲細思。

Read not to contradict and confute ; nor to believe and take for granted ; nor to find talk and discourse ; but to weigh and consider 讀書既不能吹毛求疵,也不能輕信盡信,更不能為了獵取談話資料而斷章取義,而應為了省察和思考。

Read not to contradict , and confute ; nor to believe and take for granted ; nor to find talk and discourse ; but to weight and consider 讀書不可存心詰難讀者,也不可盡信書上所言,亦不可只為尋章摘句,而應推敲細思。

Read not to contradict and confute , nor to believe and take for granted , nor to find talk and discourse , but to weigh and consider 讀書時不可存心詰難作者,不可盡信書上所言,亦不可只為尋章摘句,而應推敲細想。

Acts 18 : 28 for he vigorously confuted the jews publicly , showing by the scriptures that jesus was the christ 徒十八28在公眾面前極有能力,駁倒猶太人,引圣經證明耶穌是基督。

We sometimes disputed, and very fond we were of argument, and very desirous of confuting one another . 我們時有爭論,也特別喜好辯論,常想駁倒對方。

The best antiquaries have now confuted homer . 最好的考古學者已經將荷馬駁倒了。