
confutation n.駁倒;反證。


The contradictions found in the poet ' s language one should first test as one does an opponent ' s confutation in a dialectical argument , so as to see whether he means the same thing , in the same relation , and in the same sense , before admitting that he has contradicted either something he has said himself or what a man of sound sense assumes as true 人們發現詩人語言的矛盾時,應該像在辯論中一樣,一方首先審視對方的反駁,看看他所言是否是同一件事情,處于同一個關系中,具有同樣的意義,然后才能得出他是否與前面自己說的話或者一個有正常判斷的人認為是真的東西矛盾。

It seemed to him as possible of proof as of confutation and the nomenclature employed in its selenographical charts as attributable to verifiable intuition as to fallacious analogy : the lake of dreams , the sea of rains , the gulf of dews , the ocean of fecundity 據他看來,對這一點提出論證和反證的可能性是一樣大的。月面圖中所使用的夢沼雨海濕海豐富海等學術用語既可以歸之于直觀的產物,也可以歸之于謬誤的類推。