
confusion n.1.混亂,紊亂,混同,混淆。2.慌亂;狼狽。3.〔古...


Unfortunately there is still much confusion and contradiction in the reported literature . 遺憾的是,在報導的文獻中仍存在著大量的矛盾說法和紊亂不清之處。

In the midst of all the confusion and demoralisation there was, however, one man with presence of mind . 然而,在這樣的混亂和沮喪中,只有一個人鎮定自若。

She took the advantage of his confusion to escape, and ran up the stairs to the studio . 趁他張皇失措的當兒,她急忙走開,三步并作兩步地登上畫室的樓梯。

The term “synusia“ was defined so broadly that confusion in use of the concept resulted . “層片”一詞的定義過于廣泛,以致在層片概念的應用中引起混亂。

Amazement and disbelief and astounded confusion were characteristic of the words of all . 所有的人在談話中都流露出驚愕,不相信和詫異之余的一片混亂。

Many parents are themselves presently experiencing confusion and doubt concerning their own roles . 許多父母現在正經歷著自身的角色混亂和迷惘的過程。

It was but the inquiry of his first confusion and astonishment, the answer being obvious . 這不過是由于一時昏迷和驚奇而發生的疑問,那答案是明顯的。

In future we shall drop the adjective “geometrical“ when there is no risk of confusion . 以后,當無混淆之弊時,我們將去掉形容詞“幾何”二字。

The bitterness and confusion of the italian scene were heightened in the new year . 意大利政局呈現的艱危和混亂狀態,在新的一年中更加嚴重了。

Her desire to keep her good opinion of herself had completed her confusion . 那種急于對自己保持好的評價的愿望就更使她完全陷入混亂之中。

We use script letter to avoid confusion with the incidence and circ matrices . 為了避免與關聯矩陣和廣義圈矩陣混淆,我們利用了草體字母。

Our surprise attack caught the enemy off balance and threw them into confusion . 我們的突然襲擊把敵人打了個冷不防,他們頓時亂作一團。

When harlow came in, slyme started, and his face became crimson with confusion . 哈洛進去時,斯萊姆嚇了一跳,心里一著慌,臉漲得通紅。

He was so amazed at their effrontery that he stutters in confusion . 他對他們的粗暴無禮感到非常吃驚,竟然結結巴巴,不知所措。

A small child 's confusion in distinguishing the right from the wrong is quite natural . 小孩子不明是非是很正常的。

His confusion and his ingenuous air were new delights to bertha . 他的慌亂,他的憨厚的樣子,重新又使伯莎感到高興。

I wish to say that there is not a trace of confusion or disorder . 我愿意講一句,一點也沒有混亂或者不穩定的跡象。

I offered to help him, if he would, and joked at his confusion . 我說要是他愿意,我可以幫他忙,而且嘲笑他的慌張。

The different views of these different parties occasion all confusion . 一個不同政黨的不同觀點是一切混亂之源。