
confuse vt.1.使混亂,弄亂;混淆;弄錯。2.使慌亂,使困窘,...


Anne who had distinguished every word, was struck, gratified, confused . 安妮卻字字都聽得很真切,禁不住既激動,又興奮,又有些心慌。

This was really such a confusing question that she looked at me in perfect dismay . 這真是一個很難回答的問題,她不知所措地望著我。

On thursday the national security council held a long and confused session . 星期四,國家安全委員會開了一次冗長而混亂的會議。

Either the jack escaped, or confused by the noise, darted back again . 那只長耳兔不是逃走就是給這陣聲響弄得著了慌,又竄回去。

Though she looked steadily at me, i saw that she was rather confused . 她雖然神態自若地望著我,我卻看得出她心里很是困惑。

However, this streamlined notation can be confusing as explained below . 然而,如下所述,這種簡化了的符號容易引起混亂。

Now hosts of bewildering and confused ideas came crowding on his mind . 這時,無數紛亂而迷惘的印象一齊涌到他的腦海來。

I had shut my eyes, i confused myself on purpose to deaden the pain . 為了減輕痛苦,我閉上雙眼,故意幻想這是幻象。

He was in this state of confused uncertainty, hope, and doubt . 他正處在這種捉摸不定,又希望又懷疑的紊亂狀態中。

Benjy's mind is flooded with confused and fragmentary memories . 班吉頭腦里塞滿了種種混亂不清,支離破碎的回憶。

His definition of my duties confused me more than it helped . 他對我的職責的解說使我更感困惑,而不是有所幫助。

He could see that marco sympathized with his confused father . 他看得出,馬科很同情他這個茫然若失的父親。

You have finished the book you're intrigued but still confused . 你已讀完那本你感興趣的書,但還不太理解。

A confused sound of voices, mingled with her dreams, awoke her . 一種紛亂的人聲,混入她的夢中,把她驚醒。

A reception of finished politeness would probably have confused me . 禮貌周到的招待也許會叫我手足無措。

If i spoke to her, how i could tell her of my confused adoration ? 要是說了,怎么向她傾訴我迷惘的愛慕?

This should not be confused with measurements of shoot elongation . 該情況不應與枝梢延伸測定混為一談。

I'm supposed to be seeing that he's tortured, doubtful, confused . 我應該看到他在痛苦、懷疑、困擾著。

Optical depth and optical path are often confused in the literature . 文獻中光學厚度和光程時常混淆。