
confucian adj.孔子的;儒家的。n.孔門弟子[門徒];儒家。n....


A comparison of confucian and plato ' s educational ideas 孔子與柏拉圖的教育思想比較

On confucian culture consciousness in fei ming ' s novels 論廢名小說中的儒家文化意識

History and reality : the infulance of confucian to korea 儒家文化對韓國的影響

Discussion on logic unification of zhuzi confucian learning 淺論朱子理學的邏輯統一

The religious significance of the guodian confucian slips 郭店儒簡的宗教詮釋

Confucian philosophy reveres the teacher above all 孔夫子的哲學是首先要尊師重教。

The confucian outlook of integrity and its modern value 論儒家的氣節觀及其現代價值

On the confucian kindness of du fu ' s yongwu poems 杜甫詠物詩儒家仁愛思想初探

Confucian ecological consciousness and its modern value 儒家的生態意識及其現代價值

Confucian culture and prospect for its modern value 儒家文化及其現代價值展望

On the modern meanings of confucian kindheartedness ethic 論儒家仁愛倫理的現代意義

Ren as unifying mind and body and confucian virtue ethics 字及儒家仁愛的構成

A new institutionalism analysis of confucian economic ethics 佛道戒律及其倫理意義

Globalization problems viewed from confucian thought 從儒家思想看全球化的問題

Confucian coping and its role to mental health 儒家式應對思想及其對心理健康的影響

Confucian school culture and eco - ethics in tourism 儒家傳統文化與旅游生態倫理

Quality education thought seen form confucian ' s analects 孔子素質教育思想新解

On the natural emotion in confucian ethics : case study on 論儒家倫理的自然情感基礎

Confucius met nan - zi : a confucian conundrum and its solution 儒者的困惑與解惑