
confrontation n.面對;遭遇;對峙;對抗;對質。n.-ist 主張在國...


An exploration of the management of enterprises ' business confrontation 企業商務沖突管理探論

Her angry face forbode a confrontation 她一臉怒氣預示將有一場沖突

The soldiers came in direct confrontation with the enemy 那些軍人跟敵人面對面的沖突起來。

There is a mix of confrontation and cooperation between them 他們之間既有對抗,又有合作。

It was the injury that sparked confrontation 這次傷病點燃了導火索。

The two gangs had a tense confrontation 那兩個幫派有一個緊張的沖突。

The article bore the headline “ conversation and confrontation “ 文章標題為“對話與對抗“ 。

We cannot risk another confrontation with the union 我們不能冒著再次與工會對抗的危險。

So be careful on how you approach a confrontation 因此在選擇如何進行對戰時要格外注意。

Ninjas interesting technology : dart confrontation 忍者得意技:飛鏢對決

But he would try to avoid confrontation 但是他會盡量避免面對面火力沖突

We play out an imaginary confrontation in our mind 我們的腦海中浮現出一種想象的沖突。

Hackett is clearly forcing a confrontation 哈克特現在很明顯是跟人杠上了

“ he will avoid a direct confrontation , “ he reasoned “他想避免直接沖突, ”他推想。

Women like that , they thrive on confrontation , 女人喜歡那樣她們喜歡面對面

West confrontation games - 4455 miniclip games 西部大對決小游戲- 4399小游戲

There must be dialogue , not confrontation 我們須加強溝通,而不是作出對抗。

Adorno and heidegger : confrontation and potential confrontation 對抗和潛對抗

We do desire a confrontation with him , do we not 我們應該和他來個面對面,對不對?