
confront vt.1.面對;在…的正對面;勇敢正視;對付(危險等)。...


Well he confronted the bishop . and what do you think 他和主教搞對抗,你怎么看

I decided it was time to confront myself 終于,我下定決定該是面對自己的時候了。

He confronted his pile of work with determination 他很堅定地正視這一大堆工作。

In all capital or criminal prosecutions a man has a right to demand the cause and nature of his accusation, to be confronted with the accusers and witnesses . 在所有死刑或刑事訴訟中,個人有權要求知道被控告的原因與性質,有權要求與控告者和證人進行對質。

No matter what had gone or what might come, she confronted it and accepted, stored it away to fuel the furnace of her being . 無論發生過什么事或是將要發生什么,她都會面對困難,迎接挑戰,將它藏在自己的腦子并給自己的生命之爐增添燃料。

“mother,“ said shelton, who, confronted by her optimism, had never, since his time of trial began, felt so wretchedly dejected . “媽”,謝爾頓說,面對著他母親這種樂觀心情,他感到一種打考驗的時間開始以來,從來不曾有過的心灰意懶。

His poetry often deals with antiquity: old men, old buildings, lineage, children confronted with the ancient mystery of death . 他在詩中寫的是古色古香的事物;老人、舊建筑物、血統、面對秘不可解的死亡的兒童。

I should have gathered from this that he was young; indeed, it is only the young who are ever confronted by clear issues . 我本來滿可以由此得出結論,這是一個年輕人;的確也只有年輕人才會面對如此明確的抉擇。

The bravado of the young criminal disappeared when he was confronted by the victims of his brutal attack . 這個年輕的罪犯,在受到他殘暴襲擊的受害者出來跟他對質時,他那虛張聲勢的囂張氣焰不見了。

One of the greatest riddles of nature, one of the most incomprehensible problems which confronted mankind, was combustion . 燃燒是大自然最大的謎團之一,也是人類遇到的最不可思議的問題之一。

Confronted with kunta's stiff dignity and reserve, though, none quite ventured to challenge him in any way directly . 面對著昆塔的硬梆梆的尊嚴和含蓄,卻沒有人敢于以任何方式真接向他尋釁。

A principal problem was the flat refusal of the president to confront his advisers directly on the central question . 主要問題是總統根本拒絕讓他的顧問們直接面對中心問題。

Perhaps that will get something out of this fine birdto confront him with his friends . 也許這樣可以從這個令人討厭的家伙身上逼出一些什么來,讓他去跟他那些朋友照照面。

The explorers were confronted with gorges(that were)almost impassable and rivers(that were)often unfordable . 探險人員面臨著幾乎是無路可通的峽谷和常常是無法渡過的河流。

Extraction of humic substances from sediments is often the first task that confronts the investigator . 從沉積物中萃取腐植物是研究工作者遇到的第一個問題。

Frank, i wish you would see what you can do with this condition that confronts us on the street . 法蘭克,我希望你想一想怎么對付我們在街上所遭遇的困難。

Their dull masculinity was confronted by something sudden and unexpected in the woman . 他們遲鈍的男人性格碰上了那女人的又突然又出乎意料的什么名堂。

His normal style when confronted with an obstacle was to bulldoze it into submission . 在前進的道路上碰到障礙時,他通常的做法是鏟平障礙,繼續前進。

This was perhaps the most important question confronting the administration in the late spring of 1933 . 這大概是1933年暮春政府面臨的最重要的問題。