
confound vt.1.混淆,使混同[混雜],使混亂。2.使驚慌失措,...


There is nothing in you to like ; you know that . ah , confound you 你知道你自己并不愛他啊,滾蛋吧!

Confound it , i just expect the wind has blowed it to us 他媽的,我估摸著風已經把它吹給我們了吧。

He threw out a remark that utterly confounded them all 他隨口說出了一番話,弄得他們全都目瞪口呆。

“ no , no , my dear fellow , do not confound our plans “不,不,我最親愛的人,別誤會我們的計劃。

It is a mistake to confound strangeness with mystery 把奇怪和神秘混為一談,這是錯誤的。

Oceans as people ' s backyards confounds the senses 像是人們后院似的海洋混淆了人們的感覺

For sudden joys , like griefs , confound at first 這么一想,使我萌發了自己動手的念頭。

“ what a confounded time this first act takes “這第一幕真是活見鬼的長。 ”

It ' s better to know a devil and confound his purpose 跟在惡魔旁邊想辦法攪亂他的陰謀

His behaviour amazed and confounded her 他的所作所為讓她感到既驚愕又困惑

I always confounded him with his twin brother 我總分不清他和他的孿生兄弟。

This confounded contraption virtually suffocated me 這討厭的機器差點把我憋死

Our clever tactics confounded our opponents 我們的巧妙戰術弄得對手不知所措。

I always confounded him with his twin brother 我總是分不清他和他的孿生兄弟。

Her husband ' s cruelty amazed and confounded her 她丈夫的殘忍讓她既驚愕又惶惑。

She was confounded at the sight of the accident 她一看到那事件就感到驚惶失措。

“ oh , do not confound the two , eug nie . “噢,別把那兩個人混為一談,歐熱妮。 ”

Having toned her feelings and arranged words on her lips for mr. henchard, and for him alone, she was for the moment confounded . 她鎮定著自己的情緒,調理著嘴邊上要同亨察爾先生講的話,她立時有些慌張了,因為這話是要跟他一個人講的。

Sam described arthur's pursuits in london, and his confounded insolence of behaviour to his old friends from home . 薩姆描述亞瑟在倫敦尋歡作樂,目空一切,不把家鄉的老朋友放在眼里。