
conformist n.1.(法律、習慣等的)遵守者。2.〔常 C-〕 英國...


Aquarius : manufactured holidays aren ' t your cup of decaffeinated herbal tea , but consuming a few vegan chocolates doesn ' t make you a conformist , does it 水瓶座:這種人人都過的俗節似乎不太適合你的品位,但是稍稍隨俗一下,也沒什么。

If the polygamy mess gives the lie to anything , its ' that america has become a homogenous mass of conformists 如果說這起一夫多妻的混亂現象造成什么假象,那就是:美國已成為同一類型人群組成的墨守成規的國家。

“ it ' s important in building our organizational machines not to exclude the dissenter , the ‘ outsider , ’ the non - conformist 我們組織機構的運作,不應該將那些異議分子及不依常規的非我族類排拒在外。

He does not see himself as particularly “ progressive ” . he comes from a long line of vigorous , non - conformist teachers 他從未把自己視為特別地“進步” 。他是那類朝氣蓬勃、不墨守成規的教師。

No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or “ get rich ” in business by being a conformist 任何墨守成規的人都不大可能在經營中獲得真正持久的成功,也不可能發財致富。

He is best known for his antifascist novel the conformist , which was the basis for the 1970 film the conformist 最為著名的反法西斯小說《順從者》在1970年被拍攝成同名電影。

It distinguished more hip african - americans from their short - haired conformist counterparts 它把更為開放的非裔美國人和留著短發的保守非裔美國人區別開來。

Dissenters or non - conformists 不奉國教者

An escapist from a conformist world , destined to find happiness 一個逃避現實的人來自遵奉者的世界去尋求快樂

And i think i was incredibly conformist as a child 我想小時候我真是個不可思議的忠實信徒。