
conformation n.1.適應,相應,符合,一致。2.構形;形態;結構,組...


The cosy , noesy and 13c hmqc - cosy spectra were applied for the analysis of the conformation 2dnoesy譜混合時間m為300ms ,樣品溫度為室溫。

Characteristic of al conformation and determination of ca content of the new flocculant - pacc 新型絮凝劑聚合氯化鋁鈣中鋁形態表征及鈣含量測定

Conformation study on recognition of imidazole derivatives by chiral amino acids linked porphyrins 手性鋅卟啉對咪唑類客體分子識別的構象研究

Ordinary discuss of the reasons for small geological conformations in the coal mine of the ancient couege 淺談古書院礦井田地質小構造的成因

Elementary exploring about historical characteristics and conformation evolvement of ancient guilin city 桂林古城形態演變及其歷史特征初探

A conformation about the check and evaluation mechanism to reform public security goal administration 關于改革公安目標管理考評機制的構想

Effect of ethanol on activity and conformation of - n - acetyl - d - glucosaminidase from prawn penaeus vannamei 氨基葡萄糖苷酶活力與構象的影響

< uk > the staggered conformation of is more stable than the eclipsed conformation . < / uk > < uk >的率差式構象是比重疊式構象穩定些。 < / uk >

The deep conformations of the lithosphere controlling the swerving of the geochemical steep zone 地球化學急變帶急轉彎變化與深部構造效應

Molecular conformations of araneus ventricosus spider ' s dragline silk in the spinning process 大腹園蛛牽引絲在紡絲過程中的分子構象

Correlation analysis of linear conformation traits and milk production in holstein cows 荷斯坦奶牛體型線性性狀與產奶量的相關性分析

The adsorption conformation of water - reducing agents for gypsum and its dispersion stability 石膏減水劑的吸附形態與分散穩定性研究

The correlation analysis of conformation linear traits and milk production in holstein 荷斯坦牛體型線性性狀與產奶量的相關性研究

The symmetry of the chinese diagram of the universe in interpreting the nature ' conformation 陰陽太極圖與自然構造的對稱性

On conformation of english teachers to the reform of college english teaching 大學英語教師如何應對當前的英語教學改革浪潮

The conformation of sodium dodecylsulfate pillars in layered double hydroxides 十二烷基硫酸鈉在水滑石層間的插層行為研究

Chapter two is about background for traditional architecture conformation 第二章為巴渝古鎮傳統建筑形態產生的背景。

Research on the conformation of physical education and health course in the university 高校體育與健康課程構建的研究

Quick prediction of the conformation stability of alanine - glycine tri - and tetra - peptide 四肽構象穩定性的快速預測