
conformal adj.1.【數學】共形的,保形的,保角的。2.(地圖等...


The tumor developed four years and 9 months following the 3 - dimentional conformal radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma 該腫瘤發生于放射線治療四年又九個月之后。

The kernel function is modified by means of a conformal mapping , which makes the kernel function data - dependent 利用與數據有關的保角映射,使核函數具有數據依賴性。

Clinical study of late - course stereotactic conformal radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment esophageal cancer 后程立體定向適形放療加化療治療食管癌的臨床研究

Thus , conformal mapping is merely used as a bridge to allow the designer to specify the velocity distribution 因此,形映射只是作為橋梁,讓設計師指明速度分布

Study of late course accelerated hyperfractionation stereotactic conformal radiotherapy for esophageal carcinoma 食管癌后程加速超分割立體定向適形放療效果

Therapeutic effects of stereotactic conformal radiotherapy in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma 立體定向適形放療對中晚期肝癌的療效觀察

The joukowski airfoil problem is the simplest application of conformal mapping to airfoil design Joukowski問題是最簡單的翼型形映射應用到機翼設計

The research will provide technique references for the further research of conformal array 本文的研究成果可以為共形陣的進一步研究提供參考。

Objective : to evaluate the dose distribution of conformal radiotherapy in prostate cancer 摘要目的:評估前列腺癌適形放療計劃的劑量分布特點。

Analysis of the effects of stereotactic conformal radiotherapy for bile duct cancer with gamma - knife 伽瑪刀立體定向適形放射治療膽管癌療效分析

It is true that the all formula from conformal mapping is valid only for tem modes 嚴格地說,采用保角變換理論導出的所有公式只適用于tem波。

Conformal deformations for prescribing scalarcurvature on riemannian manifolds with negative curvature 負曲率流形上給定數量曲率的共形形變

Value of conformal radio therapy for middle stage or advanced primary hepatocellular carcinoma 單純性適形放療中晚期原發性肝癌的療效評價

Conformal fuel tank 適型油箱

Metallic stent and stereotactic conformal radiotherapy for hilar cholangiocarcinoma 金屬支架聯合立體定向適形放療治療肝門部膽管癌

Conformal arc element 保形線素

Conformal wire grating 適形線柵

Conformal map projection 正形投影

Analytically modeling of complicated boundary simply - connected region conformal mapping 復雜邊界單連通域共形映射解析建模研究