
confocal adj.【數學】共焦(點)的。


Laser scanning confocal microscope combined with fluorescence probe and fluorescence resonance energy transfer techniques has become a very effective tool of researching the behavior of massive molecules in living cells 摘要激光掃描共聚焦顯微鏡結合熒光探針以及熒光共振能量轉移技術,已成為近年來應用在活細胞中研究大分子行為的一種非常有效的研究工具。

Here , we tried to bridge up theses seemingly separate areas by analyzing the expressing pattern of cortactin in zebrafish early embryos using western blotting , whole - mount antibody staining and laser confocal scanning microscope techniques 但是,由于胚胎組織觀察的困難和缺乏細胞學方面的研究,發育生物學中對于細胞運動的理解仍停留在形態描述上。

The lab is equipped with three confocal microscopes , many with muiltiple lasers , that provide high - resolution imaging of cells and fluorscent markers during recording and stimulation 本實驗室配置有3臺共軛焦顯微鏡,多半配有多頻譜式雷射掃瞄的功能,可在研究神經元刺激及記錄實驗時,提供高解析度細胞顯影與偵測螢光染劑表現的功能。

According to the characters of confocal image , we implemented various kinds of visualization approaches as the important part of cmias , including volume rendering and surface rendering 系統針對共聚焦顯微圖像的特點,建立了一系列適合生物醫學研究的圖像的三維可視化方法包括體繪制、面繪制算法,作為cmias系統的重要組成部分。

Based on the change of misalignment sensitivity with the length of cavity , a kind of ring - down cavity is put forward , which is stable resonator , and its cavity length is 0 . 73 times as that of confocal cavity 摘要基于諧振腔失調靈敏度參量隨腔長的變化關系,提出了一種衰蕩腔,它是由共焦腔將腔長縮短為原來的0 . 73得到的穩定腔。

Applying this model , the influence of minute cavity misadjustment on measured reflectivity of cavity mirrors in the stable resonator is analyzed , which is compared to that in confocal resonator 通過數值模擬,研究了這種穩定衰蕩腔中,腔微小失調對反射率測量結果的影響,并與相同失調情況下共焦衰蕩腔的測量結果進行了對比分析。

It was showed under the laser scanning confocal microscopy that the transfected plasmid dna transcripted by rna polymerase and its transcripts were both localized in the interior and periphery of nucleoli 由此我們認為rna聚合酶的轉錄就是發生在這一區域里,而并非是人們傳統認識中的核質中。

Confocal laser scanning microscopy confirmed the co - localization of fluorescent immunomicelles and macrophages in the atherosclerotic plaques , and the leels correlated with the mri findings 激光共聚焦顯微鏡掃描證實了,熒光免疫微粒和巨噬細胞共同積聚在動脈硬化斑塊中,并且水平與mri的發現相關。

3 . observe the binding of oligochitosan labeled with 2 - amac with macrophages under confocal laser microscope and analysis the fluorescence intensity by flow cytometer using the cell quest software 在激光掃描共聚焦顯微鏡下觀察2 -氨基吖啶酮標記殼寡糖與巨噬細胞的結合,用流式細胞儀分析熒光強度。

In this paper , we aim at the subject of color microscopic image processing and its applications obtained by the laser confocal scanning microscopy ( lcsm ) and digital microscope 本文以激光共焦掃描顯微鏡系統( lcsm )和數碼顯微鏡為研究對象,對彩色顯微圖像處理及其應用這一課題展開研究和討論的。

Through many years “ hard work , we successfully developed the first commercial laser confocal scanning fluorescence microscopy and the first gene - chip scanner in our country 通過多年的努力奮斗,成功地開發出國內首臺商品化的激光共聚焦掃描熒光顯微鏡,并且成功開發出國內首臺基因芯片掃描儀。

Root nodules of the soybean and alfalfa inoculated with xj96077 ( g ) and colony of xj96077 ( g ) were observed using the confocal laser scanning microscope , and the expressions of gfp were detected 而且,通過不同品種的苜蓿、大豆的結瘤試驗,發現xj96077對不同大豆品種的結瘤能力不同。

This paper mainly study a non - confocal laser induced fluorescence ( lif ) detection system , which is used to count micro - ball flowed into the channel of the microfluidic chip 本論文主要研究一種對流過微流控芯片通道的微球進行計數的非共焦型激光誘導熒光檢測系統。

Confocal microscope ( cm ) , with a higher resolution capability and 3d optical sectioning property , can implement sample detection with large scale and no damnification 共焦顯微鏡,憑借其較高的分辨能力和三維光學層析特性,可實現樣品大范圍、無損傷探測。

Laser scanning confocal microscopy ( lscm ) is now established as a valuable tool for obtaining high resolution images of a variety of biological specimens 激光共聚焦掃描顯微鏡能對生物樣本進行高分辨率三維層切掃描,故廣泛應用于生物、醫學等研究領域。

Using confocal laser scanning microscopy ( clsm ) , we observed the distribution of chimeric protein in different kinds of tissues and cells in transgenic toreniafournieri 經激光共聚焦顯微鏡觀察了轉基因植株的各種不同組織中融合蛋白的表達和分布情況。

Developed most parts of the whole software for the laser confocal scanning microscopy system . applied for the software invention patent and the practical patent 完成激光共聚焦掃描顯微鏡產品鑒定樣機的大部分軟件,申請軟件發明專利和實用新型專利。

Confocal laser scanning microscopy ( clsm ) , atomic force microscopy [ afm ] [ and transmission verified the occurrence of the deposition Hrp通過自發沉積技術被包埋到了微膠囊中;激光共聚焦顯微鏡、原子力顯微鏡和透射電鏡觀察證明了hrp的自發沉積。

The doped polyaniline ( pani ) films with different thickness electrodeposited on flat platinum electrode surface have been studied by confocal raman spectroscopy 摘要顯微共焦拉曼技術被用來研究電化學合成的聚苯胺( pani )膜。