
conflux n.=confluence.


For the soil infiltration , generally , the order of the original and stable infiltration speed from big to small is the inner , the outer space and the paludal trace , as well as layer a b . in the view of the rainfall balance of the wildwood , the canopy interception is averagely 61 . 10 % of the rainfall , the trunk runoff 0 . 80 % , the inner 38 . 10 % , the surface and the litter evapotranspiration 18 . 00 % , the surface runoff does n ' t appear in the forest , and the interflow is also very small , which is 0 . 30 % of the total rainfall ; the conflux is 21 . 10 % 原始森林的水量平衡中,林冠截留量平均占降雨的58 . 27 ,樹干徑流量占降雨的0 . 80 ,林內降雨占降雨的40 . 93 ,地表蒸發及地被物蒸散量占總降雨的20 . 13 ,林內很少發生地表徑流,壤中流量也極少,只占總降雨的0 . 07 ;匯流量占總降雨的21 . 43 。

It was found : 1 ) the film restrained evaporation surface intensity and had obvious function of rising and keeping moisture , 2 ) the drip irrigation could supply water according to growing requirement and augment of water conflux intensity around crop root , it also had strongly controllable operation and wasted fewer water 覆膜抑制了土壤表面的蒸發面匯,具有明顯的提墑保墑作用,滴灌能隨時根據作物生長需要及作物根系匯流強度的增大而補充匯流源,可控性很強,水的浪費率很低。

Based on studying of the unequal rainfall in space - time and the asymmetry physical geography parameters in space , which can influence the process of the runoff , this paper puts forward a sort of slope conflux and watercourse conflux simulating model based on grid , and that gains flux at random time and grid in basin 本模型針對降雨時空分布不均勻與下墊面自然地理參數空間分布不均勻,對產匯流形成過程的影響,提出了一種基于柵格的坡面產匯流與河道匯流的數值模擬模型。

Brings forward the basic network cell model of symmetrical blast vault and asymmetric blast vault . then studies and analyses airflow in vault of main voltage switchyard hall of xiluodu hydropower station which is far cry and large numbers of airflow conflux , brings forward concept of “ virtual embranchment ” and corresponding basic network cell model , regresses calculate expressions of flux uniformity coefficient and impedance of “ virtual embranchment ” of vault of main voltage switchyard hall of xiluodu hydropower station 而后又采用cfd數值模擬的方法對溪洛渡水電站主變洞排風拱頂這種多股氣流匯流的長距離通道內的氣流流動進行了分析,提出了“虛擬分支”的概念和相應的網絡基元模型,并回歸得到了溪洛渡水電站主變洞排風拱頂各個排風“虛擬分支”風量均勻系數以及阻抗的計算公式。

There are five genetic classifications of tidal creeks as follows : tidal creek scoured by the currents of ebb tide ; tidal creek eroded by stream from land ; tidal creek scoured by conflux of rainwater ; new tidal creek formed when the old moving ; tidal creek scoured by the flood 在形成上共分為四種成因類型,即落潮水流沖刷型、陸源水流侵蝕型、雨水匯流型、潮溝遷移殘留型和潮流輻聚侵蝕型。

The movement types of debris flow , erosion shapes , results of confluence and deposition character in the conflux are summarized in this paper . the process of debris flow converging into main river is also presented 本文系統地總結了泥石流與主河匯流的運動方式、沖刷形式、匯流結果和沉積特征,闡述了泥石流匯入主河時的運動特點。

It includes not only research of newtonian fluid , but also study of non - newtonian fluid . based on junction phenomena over debris areas , types and features at conflux of different areas are obtained 本文首先研究了整個泥石流流域上發生的匯流現象,從泥石流產生區、流通區以及堆積區對泥石流匯流的形式和特點進行了總結。

Major scenic spots of jinan with baotu spring and qianfo mountain . daming lake is a natural lake formed by conflux of various springs 大明湖為濟南名泉泉水匯聚之地,即由眾泉匯流而成的天然湖泊。

Design and realization of database of water and sediment characters of chenglingji conflux reach 城陵磯匯流河段河床及水沙特性數據庫的設計與實現

Then puts forward means of solving flux and impedance disproportion of conflux airflow 然后又提出了解決各匯流氣流風量和阻抗不均衡的方法。

At least it ' s far from conflux in power 至少它的力量完全不同與元素城。